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Term Papers on Arts and Movies

As You Like It: Grow Up, Oliver!
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3

.... to do it himself. Another thought that comes to mind is that it is possible that Oliver knows that having his brother killled is unethical and wrong. Deep down I think that Oliver has a decent heart and is aware that he should not let his envy get the best of him. The reader may wonder why Oliver would be jealous of Orlando. Orlando is popular and strong, and smart. Oliver is unhappy and therefore cruel. In a monologue that Oliver addresses to the audience he says, "Yet he's gentle, never / schooled and yet learned, full of noble device, of all / sorts e .....

Representation Of Women Through Art
Number of words: 2511 - Number of pages: 10

.... Nochlin, and "Like an Artist" by Janis Bergman-Carton. First, the article "Judith Leyster's Proposition - Between Virtue and Vice" by Frima Fox Hofrichter talks mainly about the sexual proposition of a man towards a woman during the seventeenth century. The painting "The Proposition" represents an indecent proposal towards a woman and her reaction to this indecent proposal. During this century, there was a resurgence of prostitution throughout European countries. The women represented in many paintings were thought of as willing participants to the offering of .....

Television And The Internet
Number of words: 2331 - Number of pages: 9

.... present to you what is available out there and hypothesize how this can enhance or alter one's experience with television. Included in this paper will be actual responses from individuals around the world who responded to a survey I posted on various internet newsgroups devoted to specific television shows. The most relevant responses are attached as an appendix at the end of this paper. I will first briefly define the terms that I will use to avoid any ambiguities. When I refer to the internet, I refer to the vast encyclopedia of information presented through .....

Fate In Romeo And Juliet
Number of words: 988 - Number of pages: 4

.... is seen to be upset at Mercutio's death and predicts that the “days black fate on more days doth depend.” (III, I, 118) Tybalt then re-enters and Romeo becomes more upset that Tybalt is triumphant with Mercutio being dead (III, I, 121). As Romeo becomes overwhelmed with Mercutio's death and Tybalt's joy over it, he suddenly declares that either he or Tybalt must die with Mercutio (III, I, 128). Tybalt responds predictably and threatens Romeo (III, I, 129). Romeo takes the threat, then fights Tybalt until Tybalt is finally killed. When Tybalt dies, Romeo sud .....

Television And Its Affect On Our Lives
Number of words: 450 - Number of pages: 2

.... and cable are not just comedy shows, they offer educational background as well. Through this technological breakthrough, I can receive up to the minute coverage of breaking events around the world instead of reading about it a day late in the paper. Television offers a picture to go with the words unlike the radio. It serves as a quick and easy information source for people who work. To read about a war in the paper is nothing like experiencing it live through the TV where the words have a picture to match them. The history channels allow me to see what life .....

Macbeth Was Not Totally Responsible For The Evil Unleashed In Scotland
Number of words: 372 - Number of pages: 2

.... Lady Macbeth. She knew her husband was " too full o' the milk of human kindness" to take the initiative and she resolved to push him into murdering Duncan Macbeth was so upset after killing Duncan he stated " I'll go no more, I am afraid to think what I have done". Lady Macbeth then accepted the responsibility of taking the daggers and smearing the grooms with blood. She had goaded Macbeth into killing Duncan and she stopped him from falling apart with remorse after having done the deed. Macbeths reign as king was one of fear and insecurity that others would .....

Stud Terkel’s Play “Working”
Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3

.... wanted to make a quick two hundred bucks. And so, she did. At first, she was amazed at how easy it was to make a living as a trick. In the process of being a trick, she had developed her own philosophy about how all women are tricks just like her. She points out that women are taught at a very young age to be prostitutes. For example, women are told to “ Hold out for the highest bidder,” and “Don’t sell yourself cheap,” These types of statements are always being address to women in society. In the prostitute’s eyes, she is no different than any other woman. Ano .....

Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3

.... what it is like to suffer. He would have been a much better leader if he would have just kept an open mind and listened to what others, especially his family, told him. He was too concerned with how good he looked and how powerful he seemed. Creon needs to learn how to stop being so arrogant. He also needs to learn how to be wise in many different ways. Ismene seemed to be scared to do things. She didn’t do what she knew was right because she knew she’d be killed. was by far my favorite character. I think that part of the reason for it was that I am very stu .....

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