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Term Papers on Biographies

Asher Lev
Number of words: 422 - Number of pages: 2

.... work of non-Jewish artists (page 134). This choice to tour the art museum without the permission of his parents was the first conscious decision Asher makes to disregard his Jewish background for the sake of what he loves: Art. Asher begins a student-teacher relationship with Jacob Kahn, a non-observant Jew. Asher has the choice of disregarding Jacob's invitation to study with him, or calling him. Asher chooses to call Jacob (page 190), which in turn leads him on a journey to neglecting his parent's wishes, and forsaking his faith. After graduation, Asher de .....

Peter The Great
Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3

.... a simpler Russian alphabet and introduced Arabic numerals. He started Russian academies for higher education. For the Boyards he made the college aged people to go out of the country for five years to study at a school in a Western European school. For the first time in Russian history there were the publishing of newspapers. He also changed the calendar to agree with the current calendar, the Gregorian. Peter next best accomplishment was that he expanded the state and therefor encouraged trade. Until the middle part of his reign Russia was land locke .....

Yasujiro Ozu (1903--1963)
Number of words: 1161 - Number of pages: 5

.... to the ground the height is not importent as long as the camera stays lower than the object being shot. Ozu developed his own tranzition system,he was putting framed shots of the surroundings between the scenes to tell us that the scene and the setting has changed. usualy these shots are longer than normaly it should be. One of the very important style of Ozu is he did not obey to the 180 degree rule infact he used all the 360 degree space. Ozu orbitted the camera around the characters and he broke down the 360 degree space into multiples of 45 degrees. H .....

Tim Leary
Number of words: 2628 - Number of pages: 10

.... Timothy was aquitted in less than two minutes, which caused the disgruntled and unsatisfied Committee to maintain the silence punishment. Leary had to endure nine months of being ignored. When he became a sophomore, some of the cadet officers whom where not on the Honor Committee approached Tim to talk about the situation. They informed him that the whole business was causing morale problems. They wanted to make a deal for Tim's departure. He said that he would leave Westpoint if the honor committee would read a statement in the mess hall proclaimi .....

Dizzy Gillespie
Number of words: 2858 - Number of pages: 11

.... a rhythm. "Bop, Bop, Doba sho ba, Bop, Bop." this was also a common style of singing which was first introduced by Louis Armstrong, called scatting (Kerfeld, 137). This fast tempo music was pioneered by saxophonist Charlie Parker, drummer Max Roach, pianist Thelonious Monk and trumpeter "Dizzy" Gillespie. Gillespie was one of the chief innovators of this new style of music as well as an important figure to all musicians to follow him and international figure for the United States.(Kerfeld, 137) John Birks was born in Cheraw, South Carolina on October 21, 1917. .....

Catherine The Great: Empress Of All Russia
Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4

.... to her son, the future emperor, Paul Petrovich Romanov, and three years later on December 20, 1957, she gave birth to her daughter, Anna Petrovna Romanov. Elizabeth died on December 25, 1761, and Catherine’s husband succeeded as Peter III. Erratic, unstable, and contemptuous of his Russian subjects, the new ruler soon made himself unpopular, especially with certain German officers. Led by Alexei Orlov (whose brother Grigori was Catherine’s lover) the officers staged a coup in June 1762. Peter was deposed (and subsequently murdered) and Catherine was placed .....

Frost, Robert
Number of words: 1230 - Number of pages: 5

.... and published his first two books of poetry, which would gain him the recognition in America he had been in search of (ExpLit 1). One of Frost's most famous poems is "The Road Not Taken." This poem is about someone who comes to a fork in a path. One path is well beaten and treaded, while the other is less traveled and more difficult. Is the traveler happy with the decision he has made to take the road less traveled? Many critics think he may have had second thoughts. Magill's Survey of American Literature states that there are many contradictions throughout t .....

Number of words: 1060 - Number of pages: 4

.... means walking). When Alexander died in 323 BC, strong anti-Macedonian feeling was felt in Athens, and went to a family estate in Euboea. He died there the following year. , like Plato, used his dialogue in his beginning years at the Academy. Apart from a few fragments in the works of later writers, his dialogues have been wholly lost. also wrote some short technical writings, including a dictionary of philosophic terms and a summary of the "doctrines of Pythagoras" (the guy from the Pythagorean Theorem). Of these, only a few short pieces have survived. .....

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