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Term Papers on Biographies

The Life Of Julius Caesar
Number of words: 1364 - Number of pages: 5

.... soon ended due to Crassus' death. Senate in their desperate attempt to regain control, tried to influence Pompey to bring about Caesar's fall. The Senate’s plan backfired, giving Caesar full control of Rome and bringing about the end of Pompey’s life. Caesar succeeded in bringing order back to the face of Rome. First he reformed the existing Roman calender. The existing calender was corrupt because it did not synchronize with the solar year. Priests were allowed to prolong the calender at their will and some used it to their advantages. Caesar put an .....

Marie Curie
Number of words: 855 - Number of pages: 4

.... the volume of certain crystals excite small electric potentials. He discovered that the magnetic susceptibility of paramagnetic materials is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature, and that there exists a critical temperature above which the magnetic properties disappear, this is called the Curie temperature. Marie Curie was interested in the recent discoveries of radiation, which were made by Wilhelm Roentgen on the discovery of X-rays in 1895, and by Henri Becquerel in 1896, when he discovered uranium gives off similar invisible radiation .....

Andrew Jackson
Number of words: 1805 - Number of pages: 7

.... and South Carolina. He was orphaned at age 14. After studying law and becoming a member of the Bar in North Carolina later he moved to Nashville Tennessee. Their he became a member of a powerful political faction led by William Blount. He was married in 1791 to Rachel Donelson Robards, and later remarried to him due to a legal mistake in her prior divorce in 1794. Jackson served as delegate to Tenn. in the 1796 Constitutional convention and a congressman for a year (from 1796-97). He was elected senator in 1797, but financial problems forced him to resign and .....

Richard Warren Sears And Sears, Roebuck, & Company
Number of words: 1300 - Number of pages: 5

.... worked. Richard got his opportunity to get into the mail-order business in 1886 when a shipment of watches from a Chicago wholesaler was refused by a town jeweler. Therefore, the shipment sat in the railroad station until Richard contacted the wholesaler, who offered him the watches for twelve dollars each. He bought the watches and sold them by sending letters to other station attendants describing the watches and offering them at the discount price of fourteen dollars each. He sold those watches and ordered more to sell. To sell these he advertised .....

Louis Riel
Number of words: 989 - Number of pages: 4

.... because of his life long effort. He was a person who was willing to step up and told the government what they needed. Riel never wanted any violent, in fact, he wanted to use peaceful methods to achieve the changes they desired. Moreover, he had no intention to declare independence nor to take over Canada. Unfortunately, Canadian government did not realize the difficult situation of the Metis. They kept ignoring and disregarding their demand. Consequently, these people were forced to rebel and fight against Canada. During 1870, the Hudson’s bay .....

Steve Jobs
Number of words: 971 - Number of pages: 4

.... of Reed after one semester he hung around the campus for a year taking classes in philosophy and immersing himself in the counter culture. In 1974, took a job as a video game designer at Atari, Inc., a pioneer in electronic arcade recreation. After a few months he saved enough money to go to India where he traveled in search of spiritual enlightenment with Dan Kottke, a friend from Reed College. In the autumn of 1974, Jobs returned to California and started attending meetings of “Woz’s” “Homebrew Computer Club”. Woz like most of the clubs members, was happy .....

Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Number of words: 602 - Number of pages: 3

.... his career as a writer. In 1857 he apprenticed himself to a riverboat pilot. He became a licensed pilot and spent two and a half years at his new trade. The river swarmed with traffic, and the pilot was the most important man aboard the boat. He wrote of these years in 'Life on the Mississippi'. The Civil War ended his career as a pilot. Clemens went west to Nevada and soon became a reporter on the Virginia City newspaper. Here he began using the pen name Mark Twain. It is an old river term meaning two fathoms, or 12 feet, of water depth. In 1864 he w .....

Jean Sartre
Number of words: 1214 - Number of pages: 5

.... He was very profound in his struggle against Socialism. Later he supported Soviet positions but criticized their policies. In the 1950’s he wrote many pieces of literature on political problems. In 1964 Sartre won the Nobel Prize in literature, saying that he refuses to compromise his integrity as a writer, he refuses to accept the prize. He then becomes an outcast in society, for having turned on Existentialism and lives out his life in poor health and a few radical followers. In the dictionary the translation of Existentialism is a branch of philosophy .....

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