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Term Papers on Biographies

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Number of words: 582 - Number of pages: 3

.... were part of this historical movement. Emerson was a big part of this and practically initiated the entire club. As we know he was already a major part of the movement and know got himself involved more. Many people and ways of life throughout his career including Neoplatonism, the Hindu religion, Plato and even his wife influenced Emerson. He also inspired many Transcendentalists like Thoreau. Emerson didn't win any major awards, but he did win the love and appreciation of his readers. Literary Information Emerson wrote many genres of writing including poetry .....

Dante Alighieri
Number of words: 814 - Number of pages: 3

.... Bolonga in about 1285 and it is possible that he studied at the university there. He supported the Guelphs against the Ghibellines; two political parties of the time, and fought with them victoriously in 1289. Around this same time he married a member of a prominent Guelph family, Gemma Donati. During the following few years, Dante was active in Florence’s disorderly politics.Records show that in 1295, he served several offices. In 1300, he was sent on a mission to San Gimignano for diplomatic purposes and later that same year was elected one of the six ma .....

Henry David Thoreau
Number of words: 1031 - Number of pages: 4

.... intimacy with nature, and also through writing that would express this experience. It was his life in nature that was his great theme. In order for Thoreau to write so much on nature he had to be familiar with it. His knowledge of the woods and fields, of the rivers, the ponds, and swamps, of every plant and animal was outstanding. Emerson even stated, "His power of observation seemed to indicate additional senses." Thoureau wrote a book titled Walden(1854) in which the theme of it was the relationship to the order and beauty of nature in the human mind. T .....

The Life And Work Of Chaim Potok
Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3

.... to 1965. He was also editor-in-chief of the Jewish Publication Society of America 1965 to 1974. He is currently the chairman of the Publication Committee at The Jewish Publications Society. Chaim Potok also served his people and religion through all of his writings which are all in some way related to or involve Judaism. Now, to go in-depth into his writings. First, his novels. The first novel Potok wrote was The Chosen, which won him the Edward Lewis Wallant award, in 1969, here is a quotation about that book: "So why did Potok's book make such a heavy impr .....

King Mohammed The VI Of Morocco
Number of words: 292 - Number of pages: 2

.... must believe that he can find a way through it. As the crown prince of Morocco, he was involved issues having to do with human rights. He has and still carrying on the legacy of fighting for human rights, unemployment and social inequity that he is known for and praised for, by the people in Morocco. He changed the government that has been in place since 1996, has already initiated such reforms as; the reduction of social disparities, judiciary reforms, the education system, the civil service and state media, and of course, human rights, which led to the improvement of women's status in Morocco. .....

De Tocqueville
Number of words: 1234 - Number of pages: 5

.... corrupted. ’s second point is that the aristocracy have great lineage and pay homage to their ancestors, “A man almost always knows his forefathers and respects them;”. This is quite true, however does not mention that because of the family “blood”, wars have been fought, and many lives lost. continues to say, “He willingly imposes duties on himself towards the former and latter [ancestors and descendants], and he will frequently sacrifice his personal gratifications . . .”. It is a nice sentiment, however, his .....

Farai Chideya
Number of words: 460 - Number of pages: 2

.... that African-Americans are at the roots of problems such as crime, welfare and drugs. Chideya spent time as a CNN Political Analyst during the 1996 presidential campaign. It was at this time that she was named to the New York Daily News' "Dream Team" of political reporters and commentators. She appeared on programming such as "TalkBack Live" and "CNN & Company", as well as ABC's "Nightline," CBS's "Up to the Minute," and BET's "Teen Summit" and "Town Hall Meeting on the Black Family." She saw the publishing of her new book, The Color of our Future: How the N .....

Mark Twain 5
Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3

.... with his brother's newspapers under various pseudonyms. After a visit to New Orleans in 1857, he learned the difficult art of steamboat piloting, an occupation that he followed until the Civil War closed the river, and that furnished the background for "Old Times on the Mississippi" (1875), later included in the expanded Life on the Mississippi (1883). In 1861, Twain traveled by stagecoach to Carson City, Nev., with his brother Orion, who had been appointed territorial secretary. After unsuccessful attempts at silver and gold mining, he returned to .....

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