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Term Papers on Book Reports

Of Mice And Men 5
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3

.... happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an' hide in the brush" (15). George separates from the group and went to the area stated to Lennie if he got in trouble. The readers' perspective would think that George did Lennie a favor in shooting him to put Lennie out of misery or suffering caused by the other characters. Therefore, since he knew Curley would not give up till Lennie was dead, he took the responsibility of killing him in a tactful way. Another way Gorge could justify the shooting is when he took the effo .....

Jane Eyre
Number of words: 537 - Number of pages: 2

.... the entertainment was the smile of gratification of our hostess regarded us, as we satisfied our famished appetites on the delicate fare she liberally supplied” (65). Another example is Jane’s first morning at Thornfield. A positive mood was foreshadowed when Jane described the weather as, “The chamber looked such a bright little place to me as the sun shone in between the gay blue chintz window and carpeted floor, so unlike the bare planks and strained plaster of Lowood, that my spirit rose at the view” (90). Thus, this not only foreshadowed the positive mood .....

All The King's Men: Man As A Slave To Knowledge
Number of words: 1344 - Number of pages: 5

.... knowledge, the secrets people keep. Stark says that “man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud. There is always something (49).” He is saying that everyone has something to hide, a skeleton in the closet. Stark knows that everyone has some bit of knowledge to hide, and that the knowledge makes man a slave as he tries to hide the bit of knowledge. Stark often wields the power of knowledge to enslave others to do his bidding. He finds the dirt on someone, the secret bit of dark knowledge, .....

Childhood’s Own World In The God Of Small Things
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3

.... them. When their parents get apart, Ammu, their mother, became their father and their mother; “their Ammu and their Baba..” They love her most in the world, they love her double. At one point in the novel (109), as many others, Rahel shows the reader how important her mother’s love is to her and how her mother’s indifference to her words hurt her. At a hotel, the night before the twin’s cousin Sophie Mol arrives, Rahel gets very sad because she thinks that her mother love her “a little less.” She ask for a punishment so her mother love her the same as before. .....

The Huckleberry Finn Controver
Number of words: 606 - Number of pages: 3

.... need to know what it was truly like. Sheltering people from the truth Is the worst thing you can do. If kids don’t learn about how slavery was then they won’t truly understand where racism comes from. In the book there is much violence. "It’s a dead man. Yes, indeedy naked, too. He’s been shot in de back."(pg. 50) The book is better with violence because it becomes more interesting to the reader. It becomes more of a real life situation than just a fairy tale world where nothing goes wrong, because in real life things do go wrong and .....

Review Of Hemmingway's "In Our Time"
Number of words: 1929 - Number of pages: 8

.... Hemmingway is acting as a man of the times or is he still overly "masculine" or sexist in his own nature? Although the book does not have any sequential order to it I believe that it does have criteria fit for a novel. If the book is compared to life it is evident that there is not a single distinct pattern that neither the book nor life itself follows. The repitition of the character Nick can be related to a main character in a novel. The similarities in the style of thought between all the male characters show a correlation with life. These correlations are t .....

God V. Man In Antigone
Number of words: 1977 - Number of pages: 8

.... for it is the application of this theme that decides her fate. Faced with the decision to defy the King and properly bury her brother, Polyneices, or leave his body unprepared for death as Kreon wished, she chose to obey the wishes of the gods and bury him. At the time of the drama, the Greeks believed that a decent burial was essential for the soul to be at rest. Kreon accused Polyneices of fighting against his own country and forbade all citizens of Thebes to prepare his body. Instead, it was left to decay on the field on which he was killed. When Antigone .....

Talk So Kids Will Listen And Listen So Kids Will Talk: A Review
Number of words: 277 - Number of pages: 2

.... someone else. The book talks a lot about control. People control the conversation too much. We do this without knowing it. Sometimes people control the conversation by talking Sarcastically: ‘is that what you're wearing -- polka dots and plaid? Ooh, you ought to get a lot of compliments today.' Blaming or Accusing: ‘Your finger prints are on the door again, - why do you do that?" Name Calling: "How dumb can you be?" Threats: "Touch it again and you'll get it!" Commands: "Pick it up, now!" Lecturing, Warnings: "watch it you'll burn yourself." and Comparisons: "Why can't you be more like .....

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