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Term Papers on English

Number of words: 3574 - Number of pages: 13

.... kid, joins them. In an effort to impress the older boy and his schoolmates, Sinclair makes up a story in which he and another unnamed accomplice stole a bag of apples from a fellow neighbor. Although the story is untrue, Kromer threatens Sinclair with exposure if Sinclair does not pay him off. Unable to pay the full amount, Sinclair is forced to become Kromer’s slave, ultimately sending Sinclair into depression and paranoia. Sinclair feels trapped by Kromer, forced to live within the "forbidden realm", which in turn exiles him from the "world .....

Never Lose Hope
Number of words: 1147 - Number of pages: 5

.... yet my tongue”, (ln 1-2). This is saying that his mother died when he was young and his father gave him up. Blake’s unhappiness resembles being mortal in a sense that his unhappiness is like being dead. Blake has two meanings when he says, “So your chimney’s I sweep, and in soot I sleep”, (ln 4). This line denotes that he is an adult now with the responsibility of being a chimney sweeper. Blake is really saying that his childhood was terrible like the work of a chimney sweeper. Now Blake introduces a new character into the poem, which is Tom Dacre (ln 5). In .....

Plato Republic 2
Number of words: 548 - Number of pages: 2

.... 3 chief social functions are kept distinct and rightly performed. Since Socrates believed that qualities of a community are those of the component individuals, we may expect to find these 3 corresponding elements in each individual soul. However, the structure of the society is based on the fact that they are developed to different degrees in different types of character. Together with the application of the law of specialization and division of labor, we can see clearly how these distinct classifications of social function can lead to the well-being of the commu .....

The Go Between
Number of words: 1922 - Number of pages: 7

.... cricket match and another in the relationship between Marian and Ted. The most striking feature of the cricket match is the difference between the clothing of the participants. The villagers wear either their working clothes or some just take off their coats and play in their normal clothes. Meanwhile the members of the Hall team are respectably attired, in their cricket whites and with appropriate equipment. Leo likens this difference to the Boer War, “The village team were like the Boers, who did not have much in the ways of equipment by our standards, .....

Similarities And Variations In The Writings Of Dickinson And Lawrence
Number of words: 833 - Number of pages: 4

.... long and short lines which can also be witnessed in the structure of the poem. The rhythm and the structure of these two poems directly influence one another. Lawrence and his free verse style are reflected in the long and short lines in his poem, whereas Dickinson's structure is more of a conventional structure. Lawrence has no set number of lines per line or stanza. Dickinson, on the other hand, has four lines per stanza and although no set number of words in a line, the meter is repeated throughout the poem. Once again, we see two diverse styles from t .....

The Odyssey
Number of words: 509 - Number of pages: 2

.... she really was, because Penelope was actually really ragged. Athene also helped Penelope by giving her a dream of gulls, representing the suitors, and an eagle, representing Odysseus, killing the gulls. Athene helped Odysseus numerous ways as well. She helped by persuading the gods to free Odysseus from Calypso. Athene even helped Odysseus by telling Naussicaa to do her laundry at the beach and telling her to help the man she meets. So when Odysseus came to shore he was ugly and he scared the other women on the beach away, except Nausicaa. Nausicaa washed O .....

Number of words: 1689 - Number of pages: 7

.... such as foreshadowing and symbolism to make the novel more suspenseful, but she also uses the elements of greed, deception, and insecurity to change from a Gothic Romance novel into a successful mystery. "The basic structure of is that of the modern Gothic Romance" (Masterplots 3). The characters and the setting are similar to other books of the time. The narrator who goes un-named, is the "typical heroine of a Gothic Romance" (Masterplots 3). Her character is not very developed but the reader is able to relate to and sympathize with her. also h .....

A Separate Peace - Phineas And Carpe Diem
Number of words: 444 - Number of pages: 2

.... just on a spur of the moment, making up the rules as he goes along, you can see that he surely doesn’t want to waste any of his ability. Which points you to the last example. The last example is concerning his incredible athletic ability. Finny and Gene are in the pool one day, and they read the plaque that holds the swimming record times. Finny looks at one and decides that he can beat that time record. He tries, and he beats the record. Gene wants him to do it on front of an official judge. Finny Refuses and says "No, I just wanted to see if I could do it. N .....

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