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Term Papers on English

Othello 5
Number of words: 1801 - Number of pages: 7

.... tell the audience what their plan is, and so they all become fellow conspirators in a way. This was done well in the production I saw in Manchester, as the actor playing Iago was good and convincing at talking to the crowd and making us realise that it is the enemy within we should fear most. Some people could argue that Iago was extremely lucky to have all the opportunities put in front of him, such as Emilia finding Othello's handkerchief. I, however believe that whatever the situation, Iago would be able to take the situation, and therefore Othello's downfal .....

Oedipus Rex: Classic Tragic Hero
Number of words: 910 - Number of pages: 4

.... of his actions. Those actions are seen when Oedipus forces Teiresias to reveal his destiny and his father's name. When Teiresias tries to warn him by saying "This day will give you parents and destroy you" (Sophocles line 428), Oedipus still does not care and proceeds with his questioning. The tragic hero must learn a lesson from his errors in judgment and become an example to the audience of what happens when great men fall from their lofty social or political positions. According to Miller, a person who is great, who is admired everywhere, and needs this .....

Artistic Theme Of The Bacchae
Number of words: 465 - Number of pages: 2

.... According to Socrates lust or sexual desire is on of the lowest forms of love; thus does always need to be obtained. Rather wisdom, the highest form of love according to Diotima and Socrates should be sought and revered. The concept of honoring life and love as it is, exemplified in the Handbook of Epictetus. In the Handbook Epictetus specifies “not to seek to have events happen as you want them to, but instead want them to happen as they do happen”. This concept Dionysus in the Bacchae of Euripides did not comprehend. He was embittered the Milles-Dave 2 pe .....

Critique Of The American Dream
Number of words: 700 - Number of pages: 3

.... Perley experienced first hand the conditions in which Sip lived. She also visited the home of Bub Mell. Perley noticed that like Sip Garth's home, Bub Mell's home had a strong and unpleasant odor. There were holes in the steps and the walls were crumbling. There were six children, Bub's sick mother and his father living in the house. The father did not work and basically depended on his children to work and support the family. Bub worked at age eight even though he was too young. These can be compared to the conditions presented in Roger and Me. The woman w .....

A Picture Of Dorian Gray: Basil's Life Changes As Related To Wilde's Opinion On Art
Number of words: 883 - Number of pages: 4

.... this many times throughout the book. He loved using paradoxes and that is why Lord Henry, the character most similar to Wilde, is quoted as being called "Price Paradox." Although Dorian and Basil end up hating each other, they do enjoy meeting each other for the first time. Basil finds something different about Dorian. He sees him in a different way than he sees other men. Dorian is not only beautiful to Basil, but he is also gentle and kind. This is when Basil falls in love with him and begins to paint the picture. Basil begins painting the pic .....

Independence And Failure In Ma
Number of words: 1932 - Number of pages: 8

.... If one side tries to stand on its own then the second will fall on the first as it tries to stand. This metaphor also excellently exemplifies the catastrophe that occurs in Macbeth as both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth try to separate. Macbeth is a eighteenth century play written by William Shakespeare. Using these two metaphors, the breakdown in the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and between the king and the thanes and how they perfectly parallel each other because each is caused by Macbeth’s will to be independent According to Webster’s dictionary, t .....

How Is Tension Built Up In “The Monkey’s Paw” And “The Red Room”?
Number of words: 686 - Number of pages: 3

.... blame me for what happens.” - The major coincidence centred on the £200. “How could £200 hurt you.” She will soon find out. There are two climaxes in the story. The first is how they get the £200 (the fact that Hubert did not only die but the way he died, a horrible mutilated death) and the second the tension associated with the knocking at the door. - Hubert the son is himself the focus in what happens to him of some tragic irony. He refers to the money and uses the words “before I come back” and he never does come back. His mother says of her son “whe .....

The Innocent Adventure
Number of words: 1165 - Number of pages: 5

.... way to interpret literature because it is Universal and it correlates with any time period and any situation. The Call to Adventure is the first of the Cosmogonic Cycle. It is the actual "call to adventure" that one receives to begin the cycle. In The Adventures of Huck Finn, Huck is forced with the dilemma of whether to stay with his father and continue to be abused or to leave. Huck goes because he desires to begin his journey. In The Catcher In The Rye, Holden mentally is torn between experience and innocence, it would seem to him that an outside force is lu .....

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