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Term Papers on English

Augustines Confessions
Number of words: 1391 - Number of pages: 6

.... than the fruit which they stole. The fruit was sought as an opportunity to be deceitful and to gain self enjoyment from it. Augustine, however realizes that the theft that he committed for the enjoyment of the sin of the crime was indeed unlawful. He thinks of why couldn’t he have received enjoyment by committing a more lawful act. In Augustines Confessions (II,6) He states: “ O rottenness! O monstrous life and deepest death! Could a thing give pleasure which could not be done lawfully, and which was done for no other rea .....

Adults Of The Bell Jar
Number of words: 1374 - Number of pages: 5

.... by beautiful things. The beauty that Esther sees as the binary opposite of ugly seems to have been acquired through her “millions and millions of dollars” (38). Jay Cee has “brains, so her plug-ugly looks [don’t] seem to matter” (5). But, Philomena has money so nothing else matters. Mrs. Willard is portrayed as the ultimate wife and mother. We are given the impression that Mrs. Willard embodies sensibility. She is what every little girl is supposed to grow up to be. But Esther sees differently. Mrs. Willard represents th .....

Beowulf: The Mighty Protector Of Men
Number of words: 327 - Number of pages: 2

.... mother. Specifically: “He raised his arms and seized her by the shoulder; anger/ Doubled his strength, he threw to the floor”(510-511). Beowulf is extremely loyal to his people. “Proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king, Would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, Now when help was needed”(114-116) describes Beowulf’s reason for his journey to Hrothgar to save his people from Grendel. In another line, Beowulf is described as: “that noble protector of all seamen”(596). This proves he really cares about the likes of other people and what happens to .....

I Am The Cheese
Number of words: 1080 - Number of pages: 4

.... of this would be Adam's acquaintance with Mr. Grey and Brint. The reader cannot clearly label these mysterious people as good or bad. Although Adam and his family are under their total control, not much is known about who these people are, and what are their real motives. This novel exposes the fact that we are surrounded by secrets and lies, and because there are so many layers of reality, we are never sure what is the ultimate truth. A situation which describes this arises when Adam's father changes his identity after discovering a conspiracy, and keep .....

The Time Is Night By Luidmila
Number of words: 779 - Number of pages: 3

.... The poet she is a "namesake" of is Anna Andreevna Akhmatova, one of the most symbolic poets of the silver century of the Russian poetry. Anna carries this cross through her entire life. There are only two roles she has: a poet and a woman defending a child from misery and starvation. I assume she is not a really good poet, she never gets published and gets very little money but that is not the point. She says that she writes for herself, if she stops, she will die. This is very true. The two main themes of the novel seem to be loneliness and misery. Se .....

Flowers For Algernon
Number of words: 968 - Number of pages: 4

.... the radio play. To Charlie, Ms Kinnian is like a mentor. She supports and cares for Charlie throughout his development, and helps him realise things about the world and himself that he never knew before. Ms Kinnian cares deeply for Charlie, in this radio play, she believes Charlie is a " very fine person," but Charlie feels more than respect for Ms Kinnian. As Charlie's emotions develop, he realises that he is "in love with Ms Kinnian." It is questionable, however, if Charlie really does love Ms Kinnian, or just thinks he does for she is the one person that .....

Animal Farm 5
Number of words: 350 - Number of pages: 2

.... and defeat the farmer and his men and scare the farmers wife into sneaking out of the farmhouse and escaping. Life after the humans leave is not the paradise the animals had dreamed about; Old majors ideals were forgotton and the pig Napolean and his pack of dogs assume leadership. Snowball, the other pig is forced to flee for his life and the other animals begin to suffer as they did before the revolution. Napplean and his pack of dogs alnog with the other pigs begin to associate with the humans they despised. The other animals see them in the farmhouse p .....

Revision Rich
Number of words: 1381 - Number of pages: 6

.... this reason that the themes of many of Rich's poems are advice for women to live life for themselves, listening only to what their hearts tell them. The three poems "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers," "Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law" and "Planetarium" are analyzed to demonstrate the changes in Rich's way of writing. Rich wrote "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" in 1951, while she was a student. At this time in her life she conforms to tradition in her writing, and tries not to identify herself as a female poet. Rich does not identify herself as a female poet by detaching he .....

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