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Term Papers on English

Beowulf - Hero
Number of words: 1054 - Number of pages: 4

.... with Unferth, Beowulf explains the reason he "lost" a simple swimming match with his youthful opponent Brecca, was because he had not only been swimming for seven nights, he had also stopped to kill nine sea creatures in the depths of the ocean. Beowulf is also strong enough to kill the monster Grendel, who has been terrorizing the Danes for twelve years, with his bare hands by ripping off his arm. When Beowulf is fighting Grendel's mother, who is seeking revenge on her son's death, he is able to slay her by slashing the monster's neck with a Giant's sword t .....

Berkeley's Theory Of Immaterialism
Number of words: 2566 - Number of pages: 10

.... of the substratum of sensible objects. John Locke and David Hume upheld the belief that sensible things were composed of material substance, the basic framework for the materialist position. The main figure who believed that material substance did not exist is George Berkeley. In truth, it is the immaterialist position that seems the most logical when placed under close scrutiny. The initial groundwork for Berkeley's position is the truism that the materialist is a skeptic. In the writing of his three dialogues, Berkeley develops two characters: Hyl .....

The Color People
Number of words: 1560 - Number of pages: 6

.... by way of a semi-believable story line with one major overlaying theme. Prescott sums it up nicely, "Love redeems, meanness kills"(p74). This is illustrated in many ways in Walker's novel. One perfect example of this is Mr. _____. Mr. _____, as he is called throughout the novel, was a wife beater, who, having been denied Celie's sister, marries Celie to look after his children. He beats her and rapes her and is just plain nasty to her. Finally, one day, after Celie discovers another mean thing that Mr. ____ did to her, she leaves with her girlfriend to s .....

All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 319 - Number of pages: 2

.... this classic war story Remarque also describes the soldiers as inhuman wild beast in addition to the non­living objects. Paul states that when soldiers reach the zone where the front begins they are transformed into "instant inhuman animals"(56). Remarque is saying that the zone is like a magical line; once they cross it there not the same person as they were on the other side of the line. He says‚ "We have become wild beasts. We do not fight‚ we defend ourselves against annihilation"(103). Here Remarque states that the German soldiers are only defending what the .....

Julius Caesar As A Tragic Hero
Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3

.... along the street sides to watch him pass by. “Madam not yet, I go to take my stand; /To see him pass on to the Capitol,” said the soothsayer (II,iv,25-26). Finally, Caesar had the greatest rank possible as he would have been crowned king if it wasn’t for the conspiracy’s plot. As Casca said, “Indeed they say senators tomorrow; /Mean to establish Caesar as king...” (I,iii,87-88). Shakespeare illustrated Caesar as a tragic hero by showing that he was a historical figure with a tragic flaw which lead to his death. Julius Caesar took over most of the Roman Emp .....

Love 2
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3

.... Dmitri Gurov and his wife was not based on of true love, which resulted in his personal disregard for his wife and children. Dmitri did not love his spouse and therefore did not appreciate nor respect her. This was demonstrated through his unfaithfulness. His wife both carried and raised their children and therefore did not deserve the treatment she received. The narrator records Dmitri’s feelings for her, “He secretly considered her unintelligent, narrow, inelegant, was afraid of her, and did not like to be at home” (175). This same disregard .....

To My Dear And Loving Husband
Number of words: 1752 - Number of pages: 7

.... interpreted solely on the surface level, however a deeper understanding may be evident after careful analysis of the hidden meaning. When Bradstreet's poem is interpreted only on the surface level, a very literal meaning of her love comes across. It is inferred that she was writing a sincere love poem to her husband. After reading the poem, the reader will have an initial impression that Bradstreet thinks that the love she shared with her husband was bigger than life itself. The general perception from the initial reading is that Bradstreet values her love .....

Writing Styles Of Herman Melville And Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 1816 - Number of pages: 7

.... evident in two of better known works, Moby Dick, and Billy Budd, where we are introduced to several fascinating character that add to the excitement and energy of the story. Both Poe's single-effect theory and Melville's exceptional character development in the short stories, "The Cask of Amontillado," and "Bartelby the Scrivener," written by Poe and Melville respectively. This paper will not only compare the plot and structure of these two stories, but will also argue that these authors use distinct styles in approaching their stories to achieve essentially t .....

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