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Term Papers on English

Novelty Never Lasts
Number of words: 674 - Number of pages: 3

.... as often as I could. Now, thanks to the fact that I ate pizza almost every time I worked during that year, pizza just doesn't taste that good anymore. Whenever my family orders a pizza for dinner, I really don't look forward to it as much as I used to. Instead, I just shrug it off, "Pizza, big deal, what else do we have to eat?" This same loss of appreciation has happened with my second job as well. I have been working at Sony Theater's Palace Nine for about four months now, and I can easily say that I don't really enjoy an outing to the movies as much as .....

Citizen Kane By Orson Wells
Number of words: 796 - Number of pages: 3

.... dies and takes his secret to the death. The film follows one reporter on his search to the truth. Throughout the film, the tragical existence of powerful newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane, becomes apparent. He spends most of his life in solitude. Although he was married twice, he always stayed alone. This was because of his incapacity of felling love, which was caused by his insecure childhood. Kane was unwillingly taken away from his mother as a young child; this single event molded Kane into the narcissistic man he became. The only time Kane felt saf .....

1984 - Success
Number of words: 909 - Number of pages: 4

.... things to achieve this, including creating an imaginary evil force, known as the Brotherhood, which planned to overthrow them. They used this “Brotherhood” to blame all the bad things on and make Big Brother (and through him, themselves) look good by fighting against this “evil force”. The Inner Party was not happy with only physical obedience, they wanted complete obedience, including the human mind. They didn’t want people to think for themselves, because then they might plot to overthrow the Inner Party. They controlled the gen .....

The Enigma Solved
Number of words: 1290 - Number of pages: 5

.... attain his goal of the crown. Since Macbeth has mainly homicidal methods in mind, he in effect thinks of the predictions as invitations to murder. Although Macbeth does not understand the trick his mind has played on him, he has in fact been warned away from falling into the very trap laid for him by his ambitions and by the Witches. Banquo warns Macbeth, after the latter has learned that he has been made the Thane of Cawdor, that the agents of the devil sometimes tell us small truths "to betrays/ In deepest consequence." But the unheeding Macbeth in the very n .....

Hester And Abigail
Number of words: 666 - Number of pages: 3

.... adulator who is punished by the village. Abigail Williams is a teenager who is a great liar. She manages to pull off a big witch-hunt with skills probably as great as an actor does. She is also the niece of the town minister, Reverend Samuel Paris. Both these women do know the feelings of being an adulator though. Even though Hester’s affair is known publicly. Hester fell in love with the minister Aruthur Dimmesdale. They are very much in love but then she gives birth to his child and is ridiculed by the public. Abigail believes she is in love wi .....

To Judge A Book By Its Cover
Number of words: 999 - Number of pages: 4

.... check it out with virtually no safeguards in place. A parent's signature is required when initially opening the account to ensure checked out material is returned, but after that, youngsters basically have carte blanche access to everything the library has to offer. Parents may never see what their adolescents are finding of interest. The minds of children, full of curiosity, snooping and filling the void that parents have good reason to make elusive, greedily lap up the dribble of some warped author's pen. Shelves and rows loaded from floor to ceiling with b .....

Guy De Maupassants The Necklac
Number of words: 514 - Number of pages: 2

.... the dinner invitation is when I changed my perception of Mathilde. I wasn't too pleased with her in the beginning of the story but now was when I started to hate her. She had it pretty good. She had a husband that loved her and was willing to do anything to please her. Even if it meant giving up something he had been saving up for, a shotgun, just so she could feel like Cinderella for one night and get a dress that suited her needs. She was unable to stop at a dress though: she needed to have jewelry. It could't be just any jewelry either, it had to be a diam .....

Go Ask Alice
Number of words: 1454 - Number of pages: 6

.... story takes place in the 1960's. 3. Jill Peters, an old friend from school, invites her to a party. At the party Alice is given a Coke with LSD in it, and for the first time she takes a "trip". That's the way she started using drugs. 4. On the first page of her diary, Alice writes about life at school. She feels unhappy about Roger, a boy she likes very much, pays no attention te her. He asked her to go out with him, but he didn't come te meet her. Alice has also trouble with her weight. When her father gets a new job, she's very excited because they're goi .....

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