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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite
Number of words: 1858 - Number of pages: 7

.... so that bed automatically elicits sleep. In order to accomplish this, all other associations to bed must be eliminated. “Never remain in bed, awake, for more than thirty minutes” (Riley 88). If you stay in bed awake, you are subtracting many valuable minutes of deep, restful sleep. If you do get out of bed do something boring to make you tired. Do not eat or drink because your pleasures will strengthen your awakening ability. For example, eating ice-cream will make you want ice-cream on other nights. For a better sleep try keeping a warm body and cool .....

Number of words: 498 - Number of pages: 2

.... affects mainly adults both male and female. The individuals most at risk are people who engage in excessive and improper stretching and people who are involved heavily in athletic training. Bursitis can be caused by many things. For one, it can be caused by injury or overuse of a joint. Strenuous unfamiliar exercise also can cause Bursitis. Plus, such diseases as gout, arthritis, and chronic infection of a joint can be likely causes. But frequently the cause of Bursitis can not be determined. The only ways to prevent getting it are to wear protective gear whe .....

Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3

.... symptoms are most severe at night, while we’re lying down our airways narrow as a result of gravity changes. Also our lungs do not clear secretions as well at night, which leads to mucous retention, and that can increase the obstruction to air flow. Furthermore, at night our bodies produce smaller amounts of certain chemical that help to decrease airway spasms and keep airway tubes open. All of these factors add up to a greater chance of symptoms worsening at night. An asthma attack begins when the smooth muscles in the walls of the bronchial tubes start to .....

Herbal Medicines
Number of words: 1870 - Number of pages: 7

.... "more dillute, slower acting and their side effects are usually less severe"(Flint np). Since herbs do tend to be more dillute, it decreases the risk of the more serious side effects that come along with the stonger drugs. Antibiotics, as a drug, may do more to the body than just get rid of the bacteria or virus. That is why Ann Beemer, a Pierre, S.D., sophomore, said "she felt good about taking zinc and Echinacea tablets when she had a cold." She felt they were more gentle than over the counter medicines (Gullickson np). People that have experienced probl .....

Biosafety Protocol: Is There A Need For One?
Number of words: 1684 - Number of pages: 7

.... the world. II. The potential risks of transgenic organisms to the environment is still being determined. A. Some experts warn that there is a danger that biotechnology can create mutant hybrids. B. Biotechnology has the potential to harm the economies of some developing nations. C. The last and possible the most important argument for an international biosafety protocol is in the name of ignorance and caution III. The United S .....

Number of words: 1078 - Number of pages: 4

.... problem is not behavioral, psychological, motivational, or social. It is not a problem of vision; people with dyslexia do not “see backward.” Dyslexia results from the differences in the structure and function of the brain. People with dyslexia are unique; each having individual strengths and weaknesses. Many dyslexics are creative and have unusual talent in areas such as art, athletics, architecture, graphics, electronics, mechanics, drama, music, or engineering. Dyslexics often show special talent in areas that require visual, spatial, and motor skills. .....

Alternative Medicine
Number of words: 1734 - Number of pages: 7

.... healers and spend more money on alternative treatments than they do on conventional medicine. (Eisenberg 1). But physicians are skeptical about the value of such therapies and not infrequently hostile to them. The skepticism is well founded. Those skeptical about the value of claim that the Office of (OAM) does not take the proper unbiased, scientific stance but acts instead as an advocate for . Skeptics point to studies supported by the OAM that do not use the rigorous scientific methods of conventional medical research. experts claim that the usual .....

Abilities Of People With Disabilities
Number of words: 702 - Number of pages: 3

.... Got a weight problem? Sure, there are a lot of diets you could try, but why not exercise your right as a victim and strike back at discriminatory employers? You might not lose any weight ,but at least you can get the job you deserve. This is possible because of the courts and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission wants to extend protections under the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act to obese people. In December of 1993 a Federal Appeals Court ruled unanimously to uphold an order that required the state of Rhode Island to .....

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