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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Ban Smoking
Number of words: 671 - Number of pages: 3

.... and airplanes, the US has yet to place a ban on smoking. The government frequently inspects items sold to the American public. Commercial products that may be dangerous such as food, cars, and toys have been recalled in order for alterations. In the August 1995 issue of consumer reports, twenty- four products were recalled because of possible dangers to the consumer. These products included a car that may lose a wheel while in motion, a hair dryer that poses a fire hazard, and cookies that can cause an allergic reaction. (Consumer Reports, 500) Yet, the sa .....

Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3

.... exposed to water. Peru, already afflicted by economic ills and feastering guerilla insurgency, is now plagued by an epidemic of Cholera. As of February 25, 1991, the disease had claimed 90 lives and infected at least 14,000 people. It is the first major outbreak of Cholera in the western hemisphere since early in this century. In Peru, local authorities have moved quickly to stem the epidemic, which is spread by poor hygiene and contaminated water, raw food, and fish. To avoid spreading, health officials in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Chile, have prohibited the i .....

Anabolic Steroids
Number of words: 1685 - Number of pages: 7

.... androgenic effects of testosterone. There are only four legal uses for steroids treatment for certain forms of cancer, pituatary dwarfism, and serious hormone disturbances. There are two forms of anabolic steroids those taken orally and those injected. The immediate effects of both are mood swings of many different kinds. In one study, physicians Ian Wilson, Arthur Prang, Jr., and Patricio Lara found that four out of five men suffering from dippresion when given a steroid suffered from dillusions. A research team from Great Britian Found that a patient given s .....

Modern Technology And Medicine
Number of words: 684 - Number of pages: 3

.... nitrogenous substances out of the cells. It then divides the purine form of the sugar, making it independent and creating or destroying in order to build more molecules such as DNA. But PNP separates anti-cancer and other helpful agents , and destroys the therapy provided by those agents. The goal was to create a drug which could inactivate PNP until therapy for these agents were complete. A computer was used to create a model of the protein in order to understand each aspect of this model . the computers assessed the chemicals which could possibly fulfill .....

Down Syndrome: An Informative Essay
Number of words: 468 - Number of pages: 2

.... or a smaller nose, short stubby fingers, a single palmar crease on their hands, and having exceptional social intelligence. Because Down Syndrome is cause by a cell abnormality during meiosis, it can not really be proven that Down Syndrome is hereditary. A perfectly healthy mother could have a Down Syndrome baby even though there was never any sign of the disorder in her pedigree. There are however, three different kinds of Down Syndrome. 95% of Down Syndrome babies have Trisomy 21. This is the presence of extra genetic material on the 21st pair of chromo .....

Turner's Syndrome
Number of words: 202 - Number of pages: 1

.... in a female that has only one X chromosome, producing a male body type: short, with a broad neck, and usually lacking female internal reproductive organs and secondary sex characteristics. The patient is usually sterile and pregnancy is rare. Other signs and symptoms include a low hairline, webbed neck, shield-shaped chest with widely spaced nipples, and usually kidney and heart malformations. The patient may also have immature breasts and be of above-average height. Some are mildly retarded. Despite many efforts, no real causes have been found to be linked to this condition. It appears b .....

Femoral Hernia
Number of words: 291 - Number of pages: 2

.... area of the body, but they most frequently occur in the abdomen or groin. Hernias are commonly called "ruptures," but this is a misnomer, as nothing is torn or ruptured. Hernias can be present from birth (congenital) or can be caused by stress and/or strain. A femoral hernia is just one of many different types of hernias. They occur when a part of the intestine protrudes into the femoral canal. The femoral canal is the tubular passageway that carries blood vessels and nerves from the abdomen into the thigh. Femoral hernias occurs most commonly in women. This condition can be brought about by an inhere .....

Teenage Smoking
Number of words: 876 - Number of pages: 4

.... who directs the annual survey says: “ One in four regular smokers will die from this product. I don’t know of any other product, including guns, that has that death rate.” Each year more than 1 million American children under 18 become regular smokers, according to the Federal Office on Smoking and Health. That means they replace at least two thirds of the adult smoker who either quit or die.” Congress banned advertising on television and radio in 1971. Cigarette manufacturers barely skipped a beat, putting their money into promotions such as free samples and .....

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