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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Number of words: 423 - Number of pages: 2

.... that you must get it to school somehow, but yet you do not want to do it and only want to curse the teacher that gave it to you. Of course people will say that I could have written a good three page essay in the time that it took me to scribble this down, but I believe this is untrue. As this paper took no concentration and just my thoughts coming down on paper. If a real essay would to come to me now that is what would be on the paper. But as you see it is not a true essay. Honesty is always the best answer right? Why that is what I think. Actually Miss H .....

Autism: False Words And False Hope
Number of words: 1822 - Number of pages: 7

.... and that the only solution was that the parents should be removed from the child (Baron-Cohen 26). Now it is known that autism is caused by biological factors due to: neurological symptoms, mental handicap, genetic causes, infections, and even difficulties in pregnancy. Even though autism is thought of as a disease or disorder, autistic children can demonstrate special skills. These skills are referred to as "isolated islets of intelligence" (Baron-Cohen 53). Some examples of these are found in an autistic child's ability to draw, play music, or recall a .....

Should Athletes Use Creatine?
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3

.... larger and stronger, with, the ability to refuel faster. (Zeibak, 1) Creatine is normally obtained by the foods that we eat. The highest sources of naturally occurring Creatine are meat and fish. After a meal, Creatine is absorbed from the blood into skeletal muscle through the activity of muscle surface transporter molecules. (Dr. Omar, 3) Creatine Monohydrate involves a workout with. You can’t just take it and expect to see results. One of the myths that have appeared around Creatine is that it is only beneficial for weightlifters. (Zeibak, 1) That .....

Number of words: 1507 - Number of pages: 6

.... grow more rapidly than benign tissue and they invade normal tissue. Benign tissue is structured similar to normal tissue while malignant tissue is abnormal and has an unstructured appearance. Of greater importance, benign tissue does not metastasize, or begin to grow in other sites, like malignant tumors do. Cancer always refers to metastasized tumors but the term tumor is not always necessarily cancer. A tumor is any living tissue that is distinguishable as abnormal living tissue. After a cancer forms, it can also change from a benign to a malignant state, .....

Teen Suicide
Number of words: 578 - Number of pages: 3

.... similar to those of depression. Parents should be aware of the following signs of adolescents who may try to kill themselves. Child and adolescent psychiatrists recommend that if one or more of these signs occurs, parents need to talk to their child about their concerns and seek professional help when the concerns persist. Teen suicide leaves behind an unceasing wake of questions. Parents, friends, and classmates all ask in endless echo-WHY? Everyone tries to make sense of it. But no sense can be made. All questions. No answers. Just the cold, haunting specte .....

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Number of words: 1724 - Number of pages: 7

.... may correct themselves (. 1997). However, curvatures that measure between ten and twenty degrees bear watching (Rosenthal, Mark S. MD : A sensible approach. 1997). These behave much the same as those under ten degrees, except that they may progress during growth. Therefore, if a patient has finished growing and has a curve less than twenty degrees, no further treatment or follow-up is needed. A child with a curve between ten and twenty degrees should be examined periodically. Treatment should be started if the curve exceeds twenty degrees. Curves that .....

Hip Surgery
Number of words: 329 - Number of pages: 2

.... surgeon and anesthesiologist may employ methods to lower blood pressure (hypotensive anesthesia) to conserve blood loss, and to assist in obtaining optimal fixation when acrylic bone cement is used. You will then be taken to the operating room and devices will be placed on you to monitor your heart, blood pressure, breathing and temperature. The anesthesia will be administered, you will be placed on your side with the operative side up, and a slightly curved incision will be made over your hip and thigh. The trochanter with its muscle attachments is occa .....

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