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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Protecting The Innocent
Number of words: 1389 - Number of pages: 6

.... is that executing an offender costs less than life long imprisonment. The cost of apparatus and maintenance of the procedures attending the death penalty, including death row and the endless appeals and legal machinery, far outweighs the expense of maintaining in prison the tiny fraction of criminals who would otherwise be slain (Draper 46). A report issued in1998 by the Judicial Conference of the United States found the cost of sentencing a defendant to the death penalty is higher than imprisoning the accused for life. This is due to the high cost of pro .....

Number of words: 374 - Number of pages: 2

.... that every Twinkie has a different flavored filling, so to speak. In our school alone it is safe to say that there are roughly seventy-five different cultural backgrounds and probably ten different main sects of religion. But it’s unfortunate that people even today are judged by the of their skin and not the content of their character as Martin Luther King Jr. has said. Even though this is true I feel that it is equally bad that we as a nation group people together stereotyping one person in a group as all the people in a group. So in order to reach new height .....

Declining Trust In Our Government
Number of words: 1000 - Number of pages: 4

.... this problem in the United States, what is the extend of this problem in our country, and is this distrust of our government even a serious problem at all? These are three questions that need to be addressed in out society today. What really has caused the American people to distrust our government and when did this trend actually begin? I do not believe there is any clear answer to these questions and I do not believe it would ever be possible to pinpoint any exact reason for the feelings of the American people. One reason cited by some is that it is .....

Brown Vs Board Of Education
Number of words: 423 - Number of pages: 2

.... decision would not be have been overturned. The NAACP also played a large part in the case because they provided funding for the many cases leading up to the brown case and for the brown case itself. Kenneth Clark also had a large role in the case with his doll experiment. This experiment had four dolls, two female and two males, with one black male and one white male. There were also one white female and one black female. The experiment asked questions to children who would respond by picking up the doll. Some questions were, which doll is the nice doll? .....

The Young Offenders Act
Number of words: 556 - Number of pages: 3

.... be given by his parents, and... as far as practability every juvenile delinquent shall be treated, not as a criminal, but as a misguided and misdirected child . . . needing aid, encouragement, help and assistance."(Page 72) If a youth is close to the adult age of 18 years they could be transfered to the adult justice system. This means that they would be given the same sentences as an adult including and up to life in prison. Many people have tried to correct this problem that they see as a weakness. Yet, so far their attempts have failed. Another weakness they .....

Number of words: 1090 - Number of pages: 4

.... the early period of the FBIs history, its agents investigated violations of mainly bankruptcy frauds, antitrust crime, and neutrality violation. During World War One, the Bureau was given the responsibility of investigating espionage, sabotage, sedition (resistance against lawful authority), and draft violations. The passage of the National Motor Vehicle Theft Act in 1919 further broadened the Bureau's jurisdiction. After the passage of Prohibition in 1920, the gangster era began, bringing about a whole new type of crime. Criminals engaged in kidnapp .....

Drug Testing
Number of words: 946 - Number of pages: 4

.... American firms had little capital to invest, and thus could not modernize their equipment. The industries that are going to survive in the future are those that have the most efficient computerized operations and that produce the cheapest, most reliable products. The Japanese have this edge and the American machine tool manufacturers are reluctant to change their ideologies of buying only American made products. John Garner and Tom Avery created precision Machine Tool. John Garner is the president of Precision Machine Tool, and is a financial conservative. H .....

Law Does Not Drive Us, Reason Does
Number of words: 884 - Number of pages: 4

.... the complete opposite view on this question. He explained himself this way: Human nature consists of three basic components. These are to live, propagate, and to dominate. If humanity was left without any other parameters, this natural state of existence would govern its behavior. Fortunately there are parameters, and they are laws. (Mosier) What this basically says is that laws are made up to maintain order, monitor actions, and work for the best interest of society as a whole. If their were no laws chaos and anarchy wo .....

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