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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Animal Cruelty Leads To Human
Number of words: 1540 - Number of pages: 6

.... kicking and beating them, poisoning and butchering these poor creatures, and what makes me sick to my stomach, is that some of these people do it for fun!! I recently ran across a link to a web page that contained a online petition to put a cat’s killers to justice with maximum sentence. This is the article I found on this brutal torture of an innocent creature. ***WARNING*** (graphic details) “On October 10, 1999, a beautiful female cat came willingly to the four boys who stopped on the side of the road and called to her. Her trust was rewarded by unthinkable .....

Gun Control In The U.S.
Number of words: 543 - Number of pages: 2

.... stability. During this time, if the purchaser of the gun wanted the gun for impulse reasons (out of rage), it is hoped that they will not still want to cause bodily harm after a couple weeks. The problem with this method of gun control is that it stops the ordinary citizen from purchasing a gun on the whim, but it actually protects the common criminal. Underage buyers and other delinquents can purchase mass quantities of weapons through "dummy buyers" that have clean backgrounds. So if a burglar enters a house with full intention to maim or kill, the i .....

Number of words: - Number of pages:

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Illegial Aliens
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3

.... I know you're not laughing, because it's not funny. For example: 7-11? Once an American dream, before the Illegal Aliens came into the picture! Conceive that you walk wearily into a 7-11, yearning for a large Pepsi, filled with ice, and brimming with tiny bubbles popping at the surface. . . But no!! the cashier can only say, "Thank you, come again" in a bad accent. You've probably also taken an extensive trip once or twice along a barren interstate. But before leaving, you want to make sure your family doesn't starve on the journey. So you drive through at McDo .....

Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2

.... more fiber increasing their bulk. Many athletes turn to steroids more often because they're cheaper then marijuana or cocaine. A ten week cycle of testosterone cypinate and methandrostone costs only about one hundred dollars. Steroids are also very hard to trace because of their water base composition. They can pass through the body within two days. All these benefits of steroids help an athletes become more competitive and increase their chance of being a winner. Of course everybody wants better biceps and triceps but when using steroids to achieve this goal .....

Something Happened! - The Sexual Harassment Suit Of The Nancy Hart And The Police Of City Of Peabody
Number of words: 1456 - Number of pages: 6

.... 3. Must pay for Police Academy training at a cost of approximately $1200 4. Must pass a prescreening exam by the Criminal Justice Council 5. Agree not to smoke on the job or off duty while employed by the city 6. Agree to random drug testing 7. Agree to keep their weight in proportion to their height A violation of any the above conditions would be grounds for dismissal from the Police Department without the right of Union protection. After the six new Police Officers graduated fro .....

Child Labor
Number of words: 1203 - Number of pages: 5

.... corrupt employers. The child is treated like a slave; he has no say in the matter and can be forced to work up to 18 hours a day, seven days a week (Barry 1). The conditions of these children are of great public concern. U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich and other notable politicians attempt to end the suf-fering of these impoverish children. Several companies and organizations are also con-cerned with the squalor these workers live in and their staggering working conditions. They attempt to not purchase products made by ers (Boukhari 2). Children all over the .....

The Second Shift
Number of words: 1100 - Number of pages: 4

.... financial and emotional support, increases self-esteem because they are contributing to the world they live in. These women receive a renewed interest in life because they are in the thick of it. They are living life to the fullest. This model is the one that is constantly referred to as "bad" because it paints the woman as someone who does not really care about the effect of working will have on the baby. In fact, most of these mothers have made this choice with painstaking care. They are constantly feeling what everyone is thinking, and this in turn causes undu .....

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