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Term Papers on Legal and Government

One Man, One Vote?
Number of words: 652 - Number of pages: 3

.... want to vote because they would have a bigger say in who gets elected. It would be very hard to decide who know what about the running candidates and issues that are being addressed. They would have to give some kind of multiple-choice question test that you had to fill out while voting. It would take a long time for each person to vote and I think that would make people less encouraged to come and vote. Since the only way to link a vote with a test is to have them on the same paper the voters would have to take a test every time they voted. Most people .....

Number of words: 1478 - Number of pages: 6

.... why honest people may commit a breach of trust. Need is the most common reason. A desperate financial need is usually the cause of most frauds. Still some people commit fraud to pay for an elevated life style which other wise they could not afford. Needs arise from a number of locations these include: Drug or alcohol addiction, Marriage break-ups and/of extravagant love affairs, Gambling Debts, Business losses, Unexpected family crises, Mounting debts, and the desire to live a lifestyle far beyond ones means. Fraud is costing society several hundred billi .....

Child Abuse
Number of words: 1658 - Number of pages: 7

.... face for his first day at a new school. I immediately reported the incident to my chain of command, wrote up my observations, then had to wait patiently to see what would happen. The result - nothing. Child Protective Services said the report was not submitted within 24 hours, so they couldn't do anything. We had another case that we reported just two weeks ago to Child Protective Services. Another five- year old was involved. The teacher noticed a bite mark on his cheek. She asked him what happened, and he responded "my dad bit me." The teacher asked him if his .....

Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Number of words: 1872 - Number of pages: 7

.... that ‘Congress shall make no law...prohibiting the free exercise of religion'.”(Questions and Answers, Map of the RFRA). According to Justice Scalia, “if prohibiting the exercise of religion was merely the incidental effect of a generally applicable and otherwise valid provision, the First Amendment was not offended.” (Questions and Answers, Map of the RFRA). Thus, "...the government no longer had to justify most burdens on religious exercise. The free exercise clause offered protection only if a particular religious practice was singled out for discriminato .....

Judicial Choices
Number of words: 946 - Number of pages: 4

.... to find new methods of furthering its agenda. Prior to the 1960s, the Democratic party maintained control of the electorate with an overwhelming percentage.1 The New Deal produced interest from a "mass constituency" for the Democratic party because of the social programs. Many white southern democrats became republicans because of the increased number of blacks in the Democratic party. Many white union members and Catholics also left the party because they no longer thought of themselves as the working middle class. "The disorder in the party produced among o .....

The New Initiatives Of George W. Bush
Number of words: 1183 - Number of pages: 5

.... (The True Goal of Education, 1), that is precisely what Bush’s optimism demands, an arrangement powerful enough to postulate proven achievement in return for appropriation. A few illustrations of the appropriations Bush is proposing are: Establishing a $500 million incentive fund to reward states for improving student performance (making federal funds to states and local districts more flexible in return for greater accountability and improved student achievement), and supporting expansive education savings accounts for parents to increase their annual contribut .....

To What Extent Is Canada’s Election System/Process Democratic?
Number of words: 466 - Number of pages: 2

.... has to pay a $1000 deposit, if he/she has over 15 per cent of the votes, he/she can get the deposit back. If he/she doesn’t have 15 per cent of the votes, his/her $1000 deposit is gone. · Boardcasters play an important role in election. The Boardcasters have the power to determine which political parties to get shut out or not. · A party who has 42 per cent of the votes only has the second most seats in the legislature. Meanwhile, a party who has 39 per cent of the popular vote, formed the major government. This is not a sign of democratic. Democratic .....

Legalization Of Marijuana
Number of words: 1174 - Number of pages: 5

.... makes it a crime to be in possession of marijuana. In New York State, possession of under four ounces of marijuana is a violation, and is punishable by only a ticket, and possible probation. Possession of four ounces or more can result in jail time. One argument in favor of legalizing marijuana is its potential use as medicine. Many of the effects marijuana has on the mind and body are helpful in fighting several diseases. Marijuana has often been used to help cancer patients ease the pain of chemotherapy. It is also used against AIDS. Many AIDS pat .....

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