Term Papers on Legal and Government
Prohibition...A Waste?
Number of words: 819 - Number of pages: 3.... of women marched from church meetings to saloons, where with
prayer and song they demanded—with transitory results—that saloonkeepers
give up their businesses. By 1900, millions of men and women were beginning
to share this hostility toward the saloon and to regard it as the most
dangerous social institution then threatening the family. The Anti-Saloon
League of America (ASL), organized in Ohio, effectively marshaled such
people into political action. State chapters of the ASL endorsed candidates
for public office and demanded of their state governments that .....
Environmental Protection Agency
Number of words: 416 - Number of pages: 2.... for Prevention of Toxic Substances, for Research and Development, for Solid Waste Disposal, and for Water. Finally it's broken down regionally with bases in large cities like: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco, and Seattle.
EPA's purpose is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment--air, water, and land--upon which life depends. To keep Americans aware of significant risks to humans and the environment where they work, live and learn. That national .....
Adopted Children Should Know T
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... a hereditary disease that
will not show effects until old age, he will need information from his biological parents. In
the case of rare blood diseases or a needed organ transplant, an adopted child knowing
who his real parents are could save the child’s life. An adopted child should have the
right to access knowledge about their health, even if it means revealing the identity of
both their birth parents.
Every person wants to know where he or she came from. Most of us take for
granted that we know our parents, grandparents, and cultural background. Try to
imagi .....
The Central Intelligence Agency
Number of words: 2169 - Number of pages: 8.... printed material available to the public, using aircraft with cameras, and using satellites to take pictures (World book).
The CIA works mostly by espionage, that is the act of spying on a country, organization, movement, or person. Using this method, the CIA evaluates and interprets information from its agents and researchers. It uses a lot of technical devices such as electronic eavesdropping equipment and also performs counterespionage. This prevents the theft of secret information and detects the presence of spies in the United States. Some think the h .....
The Jury System
Number of words: 707 - Number of pages: 3.... innocent even if a public prosecutor has disadvantageous proofs for the defendant. Juries who are representative of citizen make the decision value about proof. But, Jerome Frank, one of delegates of legal realists, criticized jury system in Law & the Modern Mind, 1930. "
A lot of verdicts are irresponsible juries' products of caprice and prejudice, for example, the defendant is a rich corporation, the plaintiff is a poor boy and the counsel is an eloquent speaker. Such facts often decide who wins or loses." He characterizes that juries have tendency to like we .....
Gun Control And Violence In Canada And The US
Number of words: 2473 - Number of pages: 9.... criminal who wants a gun
can obtain one, and leaves the average law-abiding citizen helpless in
defending themselves against the perils of urban life . Is it our right to
bear arms as North Americans ? Or is it privilege? And what are the
benefits of having strict gun control laws? Through the analysis of the
writings and reports of academics and experts of gun control and urban
violence, it will be possible to examine the issues and theories of the
social impact of this issue. Part II: Review of the Literature A) Summary
In a paper which looked at gun c .....
Katha Pollitt's Argument About Media Being Biased Against Liberals And Allan Levite's Argument That Media Is Biased Against Conservatives
Number of words: 1451 - Number of pages: 6.... kids. Her first example is the case dealing with the
sixth grader who received death threats does not even clearly state what kind of
hate was involved. It could have been sexual harassment, or it could have been
because she carried Spam around on her forehead. She only names two cases as her
examples. So in her magical "evil people bash feminism land" her argument is
just as common as what she is complaining about, or maybe less common. No one is
trying to bash feminism. This was not planned out to happen. (I hope)
Also, kids in elementary school al .....
Affirmative Action - History
Number of words: 1488 - Number of pages: 6.... and the work force. The practice of affirmative action must be stopped.
The main argument for affirmative action is that it creates equal opportunity for people in the work force and for students seeking admission into higher education. However, this is not a valid point. While affirmative action creates equal opportunity for some individuals, it discriminates against others, primarily white males. Therefore, affirmative action uses reverse discrimination to solve the problem of discrimination. Do two wrongs make a right? The answer is no.
The first reas .....