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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Number of words: 797 - Number of pages: 3

.... are shiftless which is said to have contributed to their downfall. When the Puritans escaped Europe from its Religious persecution and came to the colonies, they dreamed of becoming a utopian society. This society was also looked at as “the city on top of the hull” probably expressing the point of view the Puritans had of themselves. They used their theocracy (belief that the bible was the supreme authority) to complete their utopian society and has been debuted by historians if they achieved their dream. The Puritans did affirm their beliefs by their storytell .....

Number of words: 438 - Number of pages: 2

.... is going to happen. Another popular opinion is that a persons will is stronger than that of any barrier put in his way. That this thing called is only an obstacle that can be over passed just by the implement of a person’s mind. This breed of people believes that nothing can control all events and that the mind can resist all temptations if properly trained. I myself have different theory. That yes there is a higher power that puts into play. He sits there and watches how his cine will play out. Unlike others I ask myself a question wouldn’t a being of highe .....

Fixing A Computer
Number of words: 614 - Number of pages: 3

.... like the voice, the eyes and the mouth of a human. You can tell the difference between them by how they connect in the back of the computer. The graphics card has a prong plug in, the sound card has a place where speaker plugs can go and modems have a place where you can put your phone line. Next to the left of the cards we see there is a little chip with a fan on top, this is the processor. The processor acts like the heart of a human sending blood all over the body, but instead of blood the processor sends electrical signals. Straight above the processor in t .....

What Is An Education?
Number of words: 956 - Number of pages: 4

.... The response would undoubtedly include something about "getting a good job" or perhaps "to make a lot of money." Most of the people in the United States have been brainwashed to think that unless one has at least a high school diploma there is no future anywhere for him. This is completely untrue. There is no guarantee that getting a high school "education" is going to get you anywhere. A student may spend eight years between high school and college getting an "education." He can graduate from college with A's in every class, but still, this "educ .....

A Method To Memory
Number of words: 436 - Number of pages: 2

.... the phone and could dial it. She was astounded that she was doing this all along and didn't even know it. I then explained another short term memory method known as chunking. She cringed and thought I was talking about the keg party the other night, but I explained that chunking involves taking a large number or word and breaking it down into smaller pieces that could be remembered easier. I also told her that she could chunk together the first letters of a phrase to make it more accessible to her memory retrieval system. I gave her the example of the New Y .....

The Swayzak People
Number of words: 618 - Number of pages: 3

.... member of the group. This shaman can be both male or female, because the Swayzak's believe that although a man may be more skilled at the art of hunting and stronger than a woman, knowledge is where the sexes are equal. Below the shaman is a type of chief figure, who plays the role of a kind of governor of the village. Below him are many others who carry out and oversee many of the actions of day to day life. have a deep love and great respect for nature. They believe that the earth is their mother and all that is nessesary for survival. They also belie .....

Female Adaptation To Male Domi
Number of words: 1798 - Number of pages: 7

.... the crowd laughed because the woman was not expected to squeeze anything out of the lemon. In fact, a woman in such a situation would be expected to just stand around her hero, the bartender, and cheer him up. How come a woman stepped into the role of a traditional masculine challenger and surprised the audience? Why was it difficult for the crowd to accept a woman in a power-challenging role? How was that swallowed? In the body of the essay to follow, I go on to explore the traditional and cultural context of the confusion over accepting women in new rol .....

What Is Love?
Number of words: 1211 - Number of pages: 5

.... express their love for someone in many and different ways. For instance, there was an ancient Egyptian Poem that captivated my attention. While I was reading the poem it made me realize how more people view love the same way as I do. The poem is named "Love, how I'd love to slip down to the pond." In the poem there were lines that helped me realize that love is not what you say, it is what you do. And in the poem there was a line that stood out far from the rest. It said, "Just for you I'd wear my new Memphis swimsuit, made of sheer linen, fit for a queen- Come .....

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