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Violence And Sportsmanship In Sports
Number of words: 1589 - Number of pages: 6

.... to protect the team and if he does not, a new line of work might be in thefuture. All three of those theories relate closely to the role of the fighter in sport and why it is that he does commit the acts of violence. When leagues such as the National Football League (NFL) or the National Hockey League (NHL) areasked to try and remove the violence from their sport, they are hesitant because it is not what the fanswant. "Bryant and Zillman report that television viewers enjoy NFL plays more when they are rough andviolent" (McPherson 294). Why should these leagues .....

Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3

.... titled "Invasion of the Promise Keepers." (a) I found this rather ironic. Why would men eager to finally take responsibility be seen as "invading?" As a woman, I would rather be with a man who openly admitted that he wasn't always right and who respected and honored me, than to be with a man who did not. (b) Evidently, however, not all women want to be appreciated. Many openly condemned them for their attempts. Protestors of both genders greeted these men with the phrase "racist, sexist, homophobe, go home." III. In an issue of Time, one reporter addresses this .....

Education: "We Should Cherish Our Children's Freedom To Think"
Number of words: 278 - Number of pages: 2

.... in many ways better than any other in the world. He raises the question, "If American education is so tragically inferior, why is it that this is still the country of innovation?" Everyone seems to have a different opinion when it comes to this topic. Some feel that the youth of America is lazy when it comes to school. Others like Ho, feel that creativity which America has the most of , is something that people tend to dismiss or take for granted. Having the freedom to express oneself and to be creative can perhaps help a child learn better than any book or school can teach. Other foreign countries s .....

Gifted People
Number of words: 1176 - Number of pages: 5

.... this began to pop up around the nation in the 70's; however, gifted students were looked down upon by teachers,parents, and peers. Many people considered them to be "freaks" because they were different. They didn't understand the implications of the terms "gifted" and "talented". Most people simply expected gifted students to act more mature or to be geniuses, even though gifted students are the same as other children in their needs as human beings. Some gifted students were forced to grow up too fast and some simply ignored the fact that they were smarter tha .....

Bless Me Ultima-luna Or Vaquer
Number of words: 456 - Number of pages: 2

.... plant their crops and care for their animals according to the moon.”(90) “They live their lives, sing their songs, and die under the changing moon. The moon is their goddess.”(90) “They will not gather crops or save next years seeds unless the moon dictated.”(249) They come from men who hold earth as their brother and they do the same. Tony had a big decision to make on rather he wanted to be a priest(Luna) or a Vaquero. His dad wants him to be a Vaquero and have lots of freedom. His mother wants him to become a priest and help .....

Tourism In Canadian Provincial
Number of words: 3052 - Number of pages: 12

.... parks, plays an integral role in our consideration of outdoor recreation resources. Public awareness with regards to this importance has enabled the public to "recognize more clearly a collective responsibility for the management of our environment and preservation of its values." Also, with the technology that has become increasingly available to use, our abilities to alter the landscape have left very little lands to preserve in their natural beauty. Therefore, the conservation or preservation of resource-based parks should be implemented before all opport .....

Number of words: 1405 - Number of pages: 6

.... all the automotive competition we have today in Italy, and they are the reason the Italians today are known for their beoutiful automobiles. It all began in Europe, more precisely in Modena, Italy where Enzo embarked on his lifelong passion in 1947. He was a racing pioneer, he engineered his cars with a "single objective in mind: speed,"(4) to build the fastest car possible in Europe. This in part is what distinguishes a part from all the other automakers around Europe. For Enzo it was a passion, he was driven by his passion to build the best racin .....

Censorship In Public Schools
Number of words: 1616 - Number of pages: 6

.... fear of the harmful effects that the books may have on young children" (Berger 59). The result of these censorship attempts has been two opposing sides: one side believes that "more suitable materials can usually be found from among the wealth of materials available on most subjects (Woods 1), and the other side believes that students' "intellectual freedom" can be upheld only if students are allowed to examine "any available relevant materials in order to gain the insights needed to reach their own conclusions" (Woods 1). In the simplest terms, the debate is b .....

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