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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Wells Social Imagination
Number of words: 850 - Number of pages: 4

.... of pleasure and ease. It is to expose this division in society, which forms the satirical purpose of his novel, 'The Time Machine'. He extrapolates this situation of social injustice into the far future, the world of 802, 701 AD. The machine itself is the vaguest of mechanical assumptions, a thing of ivory, quartz, nickel and brass that quite illogically carries its rider into an existing past or future. We accept the machine as a literary device to give an air of probability to the essential thing, the experience; and forget the means in the effect. The cri .....

Number of words: 425 - Number of pages: 2

.... que aller de hors dans chaque chambre. Donc le vent peut aller de dans. Les toits était construire de bois, roseaux et une couche des rouleau du sol. Les murs sont probablement était chaux et les portes rouge de empêcher d'entrer les esprits mauvais. Les riche avaient vivre au tour la ville dans les faubourg des jardins et les pauvres au milieu de la ville. Les ziggourats sont compose de les briques de boue. Il ya beaucoup d'étages dans un ziggourat et sur chaque ziggourat il ya un temp pour les dieux. Pour décorations ils avait les mosaïques des cones en couleur .....

Youth Gangs An Overview
Number of words: 2247 - Number of pages: 9

.... taking form. Youth gangs may have emerged spontaneously from pre-teen social groups or as a response to the industrialization of American culture (Block, 1996). Another theory is that youth gangs first emerged following the mexican migration into the American southwest following the Mexican Revolution in 1813. Mexican youth encountered difficult social and cultural adjustment in America coupled with extremely poor living condition in the southwest. Their organization of gangs and the criminal activity that followed stemmed from a need for survival and .....

The First Cause
Number of words: 1076 - Number of pages: 4

.... against trusting implicitly our perception of causality. Through his examination of the cosmological argument concerning the existence of God, Aquinas was able to validate and support his refutation of a causal series continuing infinitely into the past. Essentially, Aquinas succeeds in justifying that the universe has a definitive beginning and proceeds to explain the necessity of God as the agent of this beginning. For the purpose of understanding Aquinas' argument, causality can be defined as the relationship between two consecutive events and the presum .....

Monopoly And Microsoft
Number of words: 1923 - Number of pages: 7

.... company Microsoft will be measured. Since the 1980’s, Microsoft has held a virtual stronghold on the operating system market. Beginning with MS-DOS (disk operating system), and culminating with Windows 95/98, Microsoft has become an integral part of society. Its software not only includes the Windows operating systems, but spreadsheets, word-processing programs, databases, and reference works. Microsoft programs run on a great percentage of all the computers in the world. We rely upon them to sort, send, and receive information in school, business, and even ou .....

Number of words: 549 - Number of pages: 2

.... gives an escape root for people who need to be spending time on relationships with their family as well as others. Because children have “ one way relationships “ with the television, they fail to fully develop their communication and social skills. This further intensifies the decline of the family relationships. Author also point out television undermines the family. Most parents are now relying on outside sources such as television, schools and certain summer camps to educated their children about life. Relying on these sources, parent hav .....

The Fibonacci Sequence
Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3

.... number in the sequence equals the sum of the two previous numbers. is called a recursive sequence because each number is a function of the proceeding two numbers, both of which change as the sequence progresses. (1) The formula for Fibonacci numbers is: Fn=Fn-1. (4) To show his sequence he often created interesting problems or stories. Probably his most famous problem is this one: A man bought a pair of rabbits on Jan. 1st, and bred them. The pair produced one pair of young after one month, on Feb. 1st, and a second pair after the second month, on Mar .....

Aristotle's Concept Of Teleology
Number of words: 879 - Number of pages: 4

.... of all historical events derives from thier ends or purposes. That is, all events in history are future-directed. Aristotle's thought is consistently teleological: everything is always changing and moving, and has some aim, goal or purpose. To borrow from Newtonian physics, we might say that everything has potential which may be actualized. An acorn is potentially and oak tree for example. The process of change and motion which the acorn undertakes is directed at realizing this potential. Aristotle believed that things in nature occur because they .....

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