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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Financial Article
Number of words: 288 - Number of pages: 2

.... Some people think that the market is too high and that a correction is in our way very soon. What does this means? The answer is that because of the speculation of the people about how high the market is it could mean that we are at the top, in other words, people will think twice to invest in a company like Goldmaan Sachs or any Internet Stock. The reason why is because the Internet stocks will be the first one to plunges if the market goes in a correction trend. They can not hold themselves at such high levels like they are now. On the other hand, people have been saying this about the marke .....

Constructing Indentity In The
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3

.... can put incorrect things on it. Therefore, we will take the risk of getting the fake or false information. The technology of Internet also help us understanding other cultures. By logging on the internet, or chatting with the others we learn more about the different cultures from one place to anther. However, there are some dishonest people in chat room. People on the net are not always honest people. In the internet Indian Wars by Glen Martin, a white software consultant running the Native American seminar and chat room offered by AOL, Rapp, said “Basic .....

Electronic Technician
Number of words: 289 - Number of pages: 2

.... service ('99 US 93). s usually acquire their math and engineering skills in most post-secondary programs below the baccalaureate level ('97 US 227). There is no real formal education needed. A minimum level of competence in math, science, and technical courses are very helpful in achieving a role as an . Most two year associate degrees also can make the goal easier to obtain ('97 US 226). In 1994, the government employed over 55,000 s. The major employer was the department of defense ('99 US 94). Similar occupations include science technicians, drafters, surveyors, broadcast technicians, and healt .....

As I Began This Assignment I E
Number of words: 971 - Number of pages: 4

.... to radio in 1949 was 210 and 194 in 1954. It is interesting to note that while the number of radio stations and the number of broadcast hours increased significantly between this period, the number of column inches devoted to radio listings actually decreased slightly from 162 to 160. The number of reviews for radio decreased dramatically over the period, dropping from 8 in 1949 to only 2 in 1954. The total amount of space devoted to radio in the New York Times for Sunday, May 15, 1949, was 210 column inches. For the same time in 1954, Sunday May 16th, .....

Poverty -
Number of words: 526 - Number of pages: 2

.... spread disease and other things. Poverty produces a very high crime rate. For their survival they have gone to many extremes. Such as attempting to rob banks, supermarkets, etc. It has also forced people to drop to lower levels in humanity by. By stealing and killing for anything they need or want. Some say that a solution for the problem of lack of safety is that they can increase the amount of patrol around the neighborhood. As for the kids they should build a safe place for them to live and grow up. A solution for the problem about poor living spaces i .....

Cuba- A Bright Future
Number of words: 1450 - Number of pages: 6

.... years, even the name of the island itself changed frequently before eventually settling on Cuba ( which originates from the local name Cubanascnan). The title to the island bounced back and forth as well. First from Spain, then to England after the seven year war, then back to Spain, and eventually to the sovereign country that it is today. During the Batista years ( 1952-1959 ), life for the islanders was repressive and conditions pour. Initially Batista was merely interested in cowtoeing to the American investors and tourists that flocked to the island .....

Charter Schools
Number of words: 1110 - Number of pages: 5

.... will find these sections very useful in that they provide a supportive and understanding perspective. They give teens a chance to step into the shoes of their parents and ponder their situation within a wide range of potential parental concerns. The primary content of the book is intended for parents and goes into more depth than a typical teen section. Illustrated with easy to follow graphic organizers, the section intended for parents is packed with numerous case histories, tables and charts, questionnaires, dialogues, and issues common to families with te .....

Internet Advertising
Number of words: 845 - Number of pages: 4

.... It is estimated that in the year 2000, advertising spending will increase to $5 billion and this money will go to search engines or smaller web sites that are allowing companies and businesses space to advertise their product or service. Businesses will profit from the use of because it is much cheaper and is more effective when compared to standard advertising. Larger firms can also sponsor smaller web sites which may be trying to pay service charges for maintaining their site by allowing larger businesses to pay to advertise their product or service .....

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