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Monasticism And Intellectual L
Number of words: 795 - Number of pages: 3

.... the monasteries experienced what one might call a moral decline. The purity and poverty which was the ideal for monks was being abandoned. Simony, the buying of clerical positions, was common, as was the practice of priests being married. In 910, Duke William of Aquataine wanted to do something to correct this problem. He founded the abbey of Cluny, which was an independent monastery. Cluny was kept independent from any kind of secular control. It sought to bring back the ideals of the original monasteries. This came to be known as the Cluniac movement. .....

The Working Class In Middletow
Number of words: 2166 - Number of pages: 8

.... a class which doesn't fit this three system bracket has evolved. This class is called the working class. The working class is a rather complicated group and almost has a class system of its own. In the late 1800's and during the depression of the 1930's the many members of the working class had hardly enough money to buy food. In contrast, many 1950's and 1960's working class families lived quite comfortably and were able to afford some modern luxuries. These working class differences were very common throughout the 1900's. The following entails a look .....

Cinderella: A Comparison Of Multiple Cinderella Tales
Number of words: 928 - Number of pages: 4

.... neglect by saying that if Cinderella would have complained to her him \"[h]e would have scolded her, for he was entirely under his wife\'s thumb\" (Perrault 600). The African Cinderella\'s father had two wives. One, Cinderella\'s mother, he could not abide, while the other he adored. When Cinderella\'s mother died he put Cinderella in the hands of his remaining wife, who made Cinderella a slave. In the Chinese version Cinderella\'s father loved her very much but he died, thus, familiarly, leaving Cinderella in the hands of her cruel stepmother. .....

Karl Marxs Oppinion On Religio
Number of words: 858 - Number of pages: 4

.... earliest Christians were labeled "atheists" because they denied the existence of the Roman gods. In Western culture, where monotheism has been the dominant religious belief, atheism has generally referred to the denial of the existence of a transcendent, perfect, personal / creator of the universe. To be an atheist does not mean no religious beliefs. For there are "high" religions, such as Buddhism and Taoism, that do not assume the existence of a supernatural being. Marx was a militant critic of religion generally and of Christianity particularly. He pointe .....

Prop. 16
Number of words: 867 - Number of pages: 4

.... you read with a open mind and maybe you will be convinced to belive the way I do. Enjoy. In 1992 only the small amount of 64.7% of the college-bound seniors coming out of high school met the requirment of Prop. 16. This is very low and it shows the students that they need to try alot harder to pass Prop. 16 to play the sport they love so much. And sence they have to try harder to get at least a 2.000 GPA, a 86 on their ACT, and a 1010 on the SAT to pass Prop. 16 they will then hopefully become smarter and go to college to play sports. And a lets take a ev .....

The Immigrant Experience
Number of words: 1127 - Number of pages: 5

.... trying to hide any physical problems. Children over two had to be able to walk by themselves. If the doctor noticed anything wrong he would use a piece of chalk to show the person required further inspection. If, this was indeed the case, the person would be set aside in a cage. Another test was that of sanity. An interpreter would ask each person a few questions just to find a sensible answer to test mental stability. The last and most feared doctor checked for disease by lifting the eyelid. He scared children, and probably spread more disease tha .....

Five Universe Creation Myths
Number of words: 270 - Number of pages: 1

.... its present state. He or she brought light from darkness, produced sea and land to make the Earth, and populated it with plant and animal life. Differences are easy to spot too. Different landscapes being developed are e mphasized by groups of people living in different regions. The Winnebago Indians of Wisconsin mention creation of forests, streams, and lakes, while The Pelasgian Myth mentions Mount Olympus and the Teutonic myth mentions the Northern Sea. From the way the stories are written, one can guess at the way that the cultures think and live. The Wisconsin Indians seem to think simply, .....

The Fbi 2
Number of words: 1090 - Number of pages: 4

.... During the early period of the FBIs history, its agents investigated violations of mainly bankruptcy frauds, antitrust crime, and neutrality violation. During World War One, the Bureau was given the responsibility of investigating espionage, sabotage, sedition (resistance against lawful authority), and draft violations. The passage of the National Motor Vehicle Theft Act in 1919 further broadened the Bureau's jurisdiction. After the passage of Prohibition in 1920, the gangster era began, bringing about a whole new type of crime. Criminals engaged in k .....

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