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Term Papers on Science

Attention Deficit Disorder ( Add)
Number of words: 1447 - Number of pages: 6

.... needed tasks. Impulsiveness of the disorder may include the following: „h Acting before thinking - this may lead to failing academically or friction in social relationships. „h Difficulty in waiting turns, interrupting or intruding on conversations/games. Examples of hyperactivity will be seen through the child often fidgeting or squirming in their seats. The will be described as being "on the go" or acting as if "driven by a motor". Many other symptoms like quick shifts of moods temper outbursts, and problems with getting along with others also occur often. .....

Dinosaur History
Number of words: 995 - Number of pages: 4

.... probably changed courses a little, so therefore the bones would be covered up. They would actually be in the bank of the river. The Evolutionary theory states that everything evolved over millions of years. Evolutionists say that dinosaurs came from six million years back. They also say that the Earth is four to six billion years old. They say that fifty million years ago there was horses no bigger than dogs, and birds as tall as man, three hundred million years ago giant dragon flies buzzed around in the large forests, six million years ago small animals, ca .....

Avalanches And Landslides
Number of words: 583 - Number of pages: 3

.... in which a huge avalanche was triggered by the 1964 Alaskan earthquake. The slide spilled out onto the Sherman glacier, during the big slide several other smaller slides happened and those were the one that took lives in Anchorage, and destroyed property There are a couple of types of avalanches and how the destroy so much this one is named "Loose Snow Avalanches"1, it starts' in a small area then grows in size and mass as it descends.Another type is the "Slab Avalanche" it actually starts in a large area of ice and snow and then begins to slide. On September .....

Biomedical Engineering
Number of words: 939 - Number of pages: 4

.... industrial applications. (Drexel University) The biomedical engineer serves as the connection between traditional engineering subjects and living systems. He/she may work applying the patterns of living organisms to engineering design or engineering new approaches or products to improve human health and productivity. On the one hand, the biomedical engineer may use his/her knowledge of physiological systems to reverse engineer nature, creating, for example, artificial tissues and neural networks. “On the other hand, a biomedical engineer may use knowledge of e .....

Preservation Of The Environment
Number of words: 849 - Number of pages: 4

.... If you think this couldn't happen to you, think again. A recent federal audit found that nearly 90 percent of all violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act go unreported. Some of those violations are harmless data-entry errors, but they also include potentially lethal problems such as contamination with pesticides and fecal coliform bacteria. Things must be done in order to preserve NJ environment. The enforcement of laws against pollution is one of the things being done to preserve NJ environment.In theory, a regional EPA office can take its own en .....

Ocean Environment
Number of words: 2944 - Number of pages: 11

.... and temperature of the water influence its density, and the differences in density are the major factor in understanding the formation of currents and the positions of water masses in the sea. In addition, temperature and salinity play major roles in influencing the distribution of plants and animals. The sediments of the sea floor may be divided into lithogenous, hydrogenous, biogenous, and cosmogenous sediments. Lithogenous sediments are the major sediments on the ocean floor. They are derived from the chemical and mechanical weathering of rocks. Biogenous .....

Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3

.... being. Most users take the pills orally, often with alcohol. The most common way to get the barbiturates is in tablet form. Other ways to get barbiturates include ampoules, syrup, or capsules. For injection, which is rarely used because of its risk factor, capsules are opened and the powder is added to water. However, this can cause damage to the veins. Barbiturates come in different types such as Soneryl, Nembutal, Amytal, and Tuinal. Small doses relax the user, depressing the nervous system while the effects last up to 8 hours depending on the dosage. L .....

Docking With Mir
Number of words: 419 - Number of pages: 2

.... at an altitude of 245 miles while traveling at 17,500 miles per hour, only to have to move within three inches and two degrees of a quickly moving, very fragile object in space. One small thrust of a poorly aligned engine could cost one of four space-worthy shuttles and the world's first and only long-term space station. Docking was over with soon, and was followed by the cosmonauts of Mir greeting the astronauts of Atlantis. Gifts of flowers, candy and fruit were given by the Americans, who in return, following a Russian tradition, received gifts .....

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