Term Papers on Science
Cloning And Its Impact
Number of words: 1028 - Number of pages: 4.... The change in phenotype, the observable physical and biochemical characteristics of an organism, of livestock is accomplished by bombarding embryos of livestock with genes that produce “super” livestock traits; however, this technique is not efficient because only five percent of the offspring express these “super” traits that would guarntee a more productive industry. Scientists can easily genetically alter adult cells; therefore, cloning from an adult cell would make it easier to alter the genetic material. The goal of transgenic livestock1 is to produ .....
The Kondratieff Wave
Number of words: 2089 - Number of pages: 8.... there are four quadrants to the K-wave.
In quadrant one we have that “risk is relevant to what the masses think”. In this stage of the K-wave going against mass thinking can result in a very wise choice. Most people can be extremely cautious and pessimistic during this period not knowing what to be cautious about. There is much speculation going on and being one of the first persons to act may give you and advantage.
In the second quadrant nominal rates expand, there’s speculation of hard assets, etc. Gradually paying off debt here is recommendable. .....
Technology And The Future Of W
Number of words: 4373 - Number of pages: 16.... profoundly effects social structure and values. Some issues that will be addressed are: elimination of work in the traditional sense, longevity, early retirement, the elimination of cash, the restructuring of education, industry and a movement to global politics, economics and world government.
In particular this paper will suggest that the Christian Judao work ethic with society’s goals of full employment in the traditional sense is no longer appropriate, necessary or even possible in the near future, and that the definition of work needs to be far more l .....
Cloning And Its Implications
Number of words: 954 - Number of pages: 4.... and lung. Doctors might also view cloning as a way to find cures for diseases such as aids and cancer. Should people be created for the purpose of dying? Many people believe it is unjust to use animals for testing various products for humans, such as makeup and shampoo. Creating life for the simple purpose of injecting a deadly disease in the body to find a cure is just? Another purpose of cloning may be for work labor. Should society create people to work for others like robots? People have different beliefs to answer such questions. A few people believe cl .....
The Race To The Moon
Number of words: 3490 - Number of pages: 13.... hand, in the Soviet Union all space programs blended into a secretive military-industrial bureaucracy. Launches were not announced in advance, and only the successes were publicized. (Baker 158-161).
During the early years of the Space Race, success was marked by headline-making, historical "firsts." Some of these firsts included the first satellite, the first robotic spacecraft to the Moon, the first man in space, the first woman in space, and the first spacewalk. To the chagrin of the United States, each of these early firsts were achieved by the Soviet .....
Mercury 2
Number of words: 532 - Number of pages: 2.... it has the greatest temperature range of any planet or natural satellite in our solar system. The surface temperature on the side of Mercury closest to the Sun reaches 427 degrees Celsius, a temperature hot enough to melt tin. On the side facing away from the Sun, or the night side, the temperature drops to -183 degrees Celsius. Scientists have detected a magnetic field surrounding Mercury, though it is not as strong as the field around the Earth. Scientists theorize that Mercury's field is due to an iron-bearing core or possibly to the solar winds. Mercu .....
Science Experiment On Odor Changes Of Various Chemicals
Number of words: 1820 - Number of pages: 7.... chemicals and note their specific contributions to the experiment. The chemicals included vinegar, ethyl alcohol, sulfuric acid, salicylic acid, and methyl alcohol.
To start my project, I researched vinegar. Vinegar is a sour liquid with a pungent odor, containing acetic acid, and is made by fermenting dilute alcoholic liquids such as cider, wine, or other fruit juice. Vinegar is used as a condiment, preservative, and in certain medicines (2: 1214).
Ethyl Alcohol is also used in medicines. The formula for this is C2H5OH. It is a co .....
The Prospect Of Cold Fusion
Number of words: 1350 - Number of pages: 5.... incompletely explained energy-producing phenomenon that occurs when ordinary hydrogen and the special form of hydrogen called deuterium are brought together with metals, such as palladium, titanium, and nickel. Usually, some triggering mechanism, such as electricity or even acoustic energy, is required to provoke the "cold fusion" effects. Both ordinary hydrogen and deuterium are abundant in ordinary water so the process would likely end many of the world's energy concerns, if it can be developed commercially.
One of the biggest reasons that cold fusion is s .....