Term Papers on Science
Number of words: 822 - Number of pages: 3.... southern states of the USA down to the tip of South America, now centres on the north and central parts of the South American continent. The jaguar is predominantly a forest dweller with the highest population densities centring on the lowland rain forests of the Amazon Basin - dry woodland and grassland also serve as suitable terrain, although the cat is rarely found in areas above 8000 feet.
The overall body size and coloration of the cat often relates to its location - found in dense forested areas of the Amazon Basin are often only half the size of those fo .....
Effect On Pot
Number of words: 1467 - Number of pages: 6.... negative side-effects. Various studies have claimed that cannabis destroys
brain cells. However, several other studies found no structural or neurochemical atrophy in the brain at all. Furthermore, it should be
noted that Heath's work was sharply criticized for avoiding safeguards of bias and reporting "changes" that occur normally in the
mammalian brain. Wu et al. found a correlation between cannabis use and low sperm counts in human males. This is misleading because a
decrease in sperm count has not been shown to have a negative effect on fertility an .....
Number of words: 260 - Number of pages: 1.... to respond to day length is linked to an
inner, light-sensitive circadian rhythm.
In the temperate zones, day lengths during the natural 24-hour cycle
vary with the seasons. In winter and spring, the period of light
lengthens; in summer and autumn, it shortens. Plants in these zones
undergo alternate 12-hour phases of light sensitivity. During one 12-hour
phase, decreasing exposure to light induces a short-day reaction. For
example, deciduous trees under the influence of the shorter days of fall
drop their leaves. During the other 12-hour phase, more exposure to light
creates a long-day reaction. Decidu .....
Tundra And The Artic
Number of words: 1345 - Number of pages: 5.... lichens. It's winters last from 8-10
months and the summers are cool and short. Also due to the fact that much of
it's territory is located within the northern pole a lot of the Tundra receives
alternating 6 month periods of light and dark. This is also the reason why the
Tundra receives cold weather; at it's degree of latitude the suns rays end up
hitting the region obliquely, thus causing less solar heat. Here are the
temperatures of the Tundra in general:
Average January temperature: -32.1 degrees Celsius
Average July temperature: +4.1 degrees Celsius
Tem .....
Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4.... It burns in oxygen forming ferrous oxide. When exposed to moist air,
iron becomes corroded, forming a reddish - brown, flaky, hydrated ferric oxide,
commonly known as rust. (Encarta, 1996)
Iron is formed in shallow seas. It comes out of the water and collects
on the sea floor. This creates an underwater deposit. This process occurs over
billions of years. Through plate movement the whole sea floor is eventually
moved up out of the water. Once out of the water, the iron has formed a land
deposit. The biggest iron deposit in the United States is .....
Hypnotism Is It Magic Or Reality
Number of words: 2615 - Number of pages: 10.... understood subject by most. To fully understand how hypnosis works, one has to understand the four different activity levels of the human mind. The first level is called beta. In beta the mind is in complete consciousness. Approximately 75 percent of this level is spent regulating vital bodily functions such as heartbeat, breathing, and digestion. The second state is called alpha. Alpha refers to when the mind is in 95 to 100 percent concentration. When hypnosis is induced, the mind is in the alpha level. In this state the mind is fully aware and con .....
Multiple Personality Disorders
Number of words: 516 - Number of pages: 2.... are split from the conscious' awareness and control. The condition usually develops as a way of coping with painful and disturbing experiences faced in the individuals early life, such as child abuse, or if an extremely violent act has traumatized the person.
Many personality disorders like Multiple Personality Disorder lead to various social problems. According to psychologist, these traits usually arise when the individual is in early childhood, around the age of eight years old. Multiple Personality Disorder is able to happen by a means called Dissociat .....
Biological And Chemical Weapons
Number of words: 1582 - Number of pages: 6.... a very sophisticated industrial base to produce lethal chemicals. This makes it a viable means of warfare for Third World countries. The use of chemical weapons by Iraq and Libya in 1988 reinforces the danger that these weapons will spread (Cass 1996).
Not only are these weapons cheap, but they are very effective. Defense Secretary William S. Cohen held up a five-pound bag of sugar on national television last month to show how, with an equivalent amount of anthrax, Iraq could eliminate at least half the population of Washington. The US Law Enforcement Assi .....