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Iron And Rust
Number of words: 410 - Number of pages: 2

.... than the iron does which leads it to protect the iron from corroding. This method is also satisfactory but is also expensive. The most common example of this method is galvanizing, in which iron is covered with zinc. (3) Covering iron with an air proof and also a water proof substance. This method is the least expensive, therefore it is the most common. The forming of rust is known as a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction is defined as a process by which atoms are redistributed, resulting in a change in the molecular composition of the substances .....

Larnyx Cancer
Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2

.... tumor develops in the area where the larynx and trachea join, subglottis, the person experiences trouble in breathing, very noisy breathing. Constant coughing or a feeling of a lump that doesn’t go away are also signs of larynx cancer. Tumor development in the subglottis is very unusual and rare. As a tumor grows it may cause pain, weight loss, bad breath, frequent choking on food, and hard swallowing. Only qualified doctors are able to tell if any of the signs are really symptoms of the cancer. A person with larynx cancer can be treated according t .....

Number of words: 1173 - Number of pages: 5

.... Two are classified as body waves-that is, they travel through the earth's interior-and the other four are surface waves. The waves are further differentiated by the kinds of motions they impart to rock particles. Primary or compressional waves (P waves) send particles oscillating back and forth in the same direction as the waves are traveling, whereas secondary or transverse shear waves (S waves) impart vibrations perpendicular to their direction of travel. P waves always travel at higher velocities than S waves, so whenever an earthquake occurs, P waves .....

Klinefelter Syndrome
Number of words: 813 - Number of pages: 3

.... material. In women, X-chromosomes pair, in men, the X and Y-chromosomes separate, and meiosis continues. Otherwise it is not something that happens by the law of nature in which you are randomly chosen in its specific frame of how many times it happens, whom it effects, and how it happens. There is really no specific frame in which it invariably happens. It is known through that it happens during the process of meiosis in which chromosomes split. WHO IT AFFECTS??? Klinefelter Syndrome only occurs in males. This is so because females have a similar con .....

Genetic Cloning
Number of words: 1925 - Number of pages: 7

.... selective breeding throughout the ages has served humanity in many ways. The origins of cloning lie in the agricultural history of humanity. Therefore the perceived gap between cloning and our nature are not so distant, as cloning has been the means by which humankind has cultivated flora for a millennia. In addition, selective breeding has been the means by which humankind has manipulated fauna for its own ends. In both cases genetic manipulation does serve humanity on many practical levels. Secondly, humankind has genetically engineered many species throug .....

Depression 2
Number of words: 1177 - Number of pages: 5

.... individuals experience insomnia (depression.com 1). Possible problems may include: difficulty in falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night with difficulty returning to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, brief periods of REM sleep, unusually long periods of stage 1 (light) sleep, or unusually brief periods of stage 3 and 4 ( deep, restorative) sleep (depression.com 1). Weight and depression are also commonly associated with each other. Many people begin loosing interest in eating which results in weight lo .....

Geoloy Of Mars
Number of words: 335 - Number of pages: 2

.... nitrogen, argon, water vapor and oxygen. Mars also has no magnetic field. " Because the atmosphere of mars is so thin, wind velocities up to several hundred Km per hour are required to raise the dust particles during a dust storm, and these fast- moving particles erode structures with a sand-blasting effect " (Grolier, 1992). Therefore, the surface is basically plain-like and covered with large craters. There are also some areas where the rock is " jumbled." The poles of Mars are iced over and the temperature is about 160 - 170 degrees K. Mars also has its shar .....

I.t. Doctors Database Analysis
Number of words: 1175 - Number of pages: 5

.... computer you could automatically put the files in alphabetical order by whatever- name, GP, date of birth e.t.c. However, in an office cabinet it really would not be easy at all to put and keep the files in some sort of alphabetical sequence. Currently the database is pen-and-paper based, which may be cost effective but is very time-consuming when compared to a computer-based database. Say you have a paper-based database. If one of your clients move house or get married, you would have to create a whole new record because of the altered information. And say it .....

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