Term Papers on Social Issues
Hollywood's Attack On Religion
Number of words: 1561 - Number of pages: 6.... 11, 1988,
in opposition to the release of the motion picture The Last Temptation of Christ.
MCA/Universal, which funded the Martin Scorsese film, called the protesters a
"know-nothing wacky pack" (38). However, as Medved points out, the protest was
"the largest protest ever mounted against the release of a motion picture" (37)
and included such groups as the National Council of Catholic Bishops, the
Southern Baptist Convention, twenty members of the U.S. House of Representatives
and prominent figures such as Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Ken Wales, former
v .....
Educating Children About Sexuality
Number of words: 1278 - Number of pages: 5.... in America for several reasons.
A. Teen pregnancy
1. Quote(DeCarlo 3)
2. Quote(DeCarlo 3)
1. Quote(DeCarlo 1)
2. Quote(Miller)
C. Spread of AIDS
1. Quote(DeCarlo 1)
2. Quote(DeCarlo 1)
D. With statistics such as these, school officials should demand that sexuality
education programs be allowed and kept in their schools.
IV. Several different types of school programs educate children about sex.
A. Girls, Inc.
1. �Will Power/ Won�t .....
V-Chip And Television Censorship
Number of words: 331 - Number of pages: 2.... the v-chip gives parents control over their children's viewing habits, in fact it will function as a governmental usurpation of parental control. Under the legislation, it is the government (either directly or by coercing private industry),and not the parents, that will determine how programs will be rated. If a parent activates the v-chip, all programs with a "violent" rating will be blocked. What kind of violence will be censored? Football games? War movies? News reports?"
Even though the V-chip legislation has already been signed into .....
Is Television Good Or Bad?
Number of words: 382 - Number of pages: 2.... education, because it offers many advantages to classroom teaching. The drama serials on television are neither entertaining or educational. These shows simply depict "real life" (in the broadest sense of the term) and therefore do not teach or entertain (otherwise life itself would be entertaining!)
I think that these programs should not be shown. Comedy programs, however, make viewers laugh, feel better, and make people generally happier. These programs should be encouraged, instead of the �real life� dramas. Sports programs and broadcasts of sporting matches .....
Who's Right Is It Anyway?
Number of words: 538 - Number of pages: 2.... world.
True, one less person here or there will not make a large dent. Yet if everyone who attempts or had
attempted suicide were not stopped, the impact would be recognized. Another popular argument
for stoppers, people who want to prevent suicide, is that nothing can be bad enough. Yet how do
they know this? They do not have to put up with the same stuff the suicide victim does everyday.
How could they possibly know what the potential suicide victim feels. Just as a severely burned
victim may wish to be allowed to die in peace, the suicide victim .....
Dignity Of The Human Person
Number of words: 723 - Number of pages: 3.... body and forbids it to serve all evil found in his heart. Man judges rightly when he thinks that he is superior to everything else, except God, because of his pure capability to think and reason. In man�s history he has achieved many victories and still he searches for more truths.
In the depth of man�s soul he finds a law that he cannot understand and doesn�t know where its from and still this law holds him to search out good and avoid evil in his life. This law was placed and written by God; to obey it is the very dignity of all man kind. Our conscience is th .....
Violence On Television
Number of words: 783 - Number of pages: 3.... that will kill another living thing using the excuse that it is a sport or just to keep part of the animal as a trophy. How many other living things would abuse or kill the most precious thing children with is another living thing modelled out of both of it parents.
Like I mentioned before violence, sex and other actions thought to be taboo by previous generations have made their way into our everyday life and thoughts throughout our new median of communications. Most of the things that are under fire by people have been around since the beginnings of human .....
Violent Crimes By Juveniles
Number of words: 868 - Number of pages: 4.... be monitored, children still find a way to work their imagination by watching. All the trash that is seen on TV takes its toll on the minds of juveniles and causes them to want to be like everything they see on TV. For example, children watch Power Rangers and turn around and try to do the Karate they see on anyone they can. They feel they are doing no wrong since the characters on TV are being praised for doing it. The violence on a simple show like Power Rangers can have a great effect on children. When you get into shows with guns and killing, that totall .....