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Term Papers on Social Issues

Censorship Of Rap Music
Number of words: 797 - Number of pages: 3

.... Trinity Baptist youth choir and an excellent basketball player. However , shortly after his graduation from high school, he landed in jail for possession of cocaine. Recently Snoop was arrested for murder. On August twenty- fifth Snoop was driving his late model Jeep in Palms, California. He met up with Philip Woldemar iam, who according to Snoop's attorney, had a long history of threatening Snoop. Snoop's bodyguard shot Woldermariam twice in the back, killing him. On December eighth, Snoop was arraigned for murder, but later found innocent. Many of the .....

Teen Pregnancy
Number of words: 833 - Number of pages: 4

.... pregnant let alone that they want an abortion. On the other hand teens sometimes act on imulse rather than giving such an emotional issue a lot of thought. If the parent were forced to give consent it would assure thet the decision had been given much thought. Though it could also rip a family apart. People react to unexpected situations in life very differently. Some teens think that if they were forced to get their parents consent to have an abortion they would go crazy and never forgive them. The question is not however what the parent reaction would .....

Distribution Of Condoms Is Unnecessary
Number of words: 836 - Number of pages: 4

.... to have safe sex, rather than sex with no condoms. “If people are going to have sex anyways, at least distribution of condoms would make it safe.”(Jason Arnold) Although it is true that teenagers are already engaging in sexual activities, they can still have safe sex without distributing condoms in schools. They can get the condoms for themselves, and the schools wouldn’t be giving the impression that sex is o.k. as long as you use a condom. 2.5 million teens are infected with sexually transmitted diseases every year. (Margaret Pruitt Clark,pg.317) Although .....

Violence In Schools
Number of words: 936 - Number of pages: 4

.... is not only happening in our high schools, it has also made its way into our elementary and middle schools. Everyone seems to have a different perspective on why there is such a problem with school safety. Some say it is the parents’ fault, some say it is the media, and others blame the schools. Yet, the question still remains. What can be done to make schools safer for the children and staff? One thing we need to do is learn to listen to our children and observe their behavior. According to Dr. Ronald D. Stephens, Executive Director of the National School Safet .....

Ignorrance Is Bliss
Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2

.... find out how many correct responses they get for each of these stupid ones, but I have a feeling it is not that many. If they do get many correct responses, than when they find the stupid people, they really find the stupid people. Many of them seem totally clueless to their own ignorrance. If , than these people must really be happy. Television is definately not the only place to run into stupid people however. In business class we had an assignment to read and discuss an article titled, "Fatal Attractions". The article discussed the four August deaths of .....

Animal Rights
Number of words: 1337 - Number of pages: 5

.... the fact that I have had a dog for a pet for as long as I remember. On this topic I feel as though having domesticated animals in the home is fine as long as proper care is taken of them. As for more controversial issue like animal research and experimentation my views vary. A few years ago I felt that any research or experimentation on animals was inhumane and unjust. However after maturing and becoming more aware of the world, I now feel as though there are definite ‘goods’ that come from animal research that can not come from doing tests on humans. This view i .....

Comparison Between African And American Cultures
Number of words: 285 - Number of pages: 2

.... need. The next few paragraphs will talk about comparison of our culture and Africa's culture. The culture in Kenya is only advancing in certain parts, mainly the bigger cities. There are also many very remote towns and villages that still have some of the native people left in them. Since there are so many different tribes they have lots of native languages. In America Spanish is one of the only other languages spoken. Some of the different tribes in Africa are the Sanburose, Omallose, and Turcanas. The people in these places use many of the old ways and follow most of the traditions their .....

Life With Bureaucracies
Number of words: 2363 - Number of pages: 9

.... that dominate modern societies, have hierarchical level of control, and are based on specific rules of procedure. Weber recognized that bureaucracies existed in preindustrial societies such as ancient Egypt, ancient China, and in the Roman and Byzantine empires. It was not until recently, however, with the emergence of large societies based on complex technologies, that bureaucracies come to permeate people’s daily lives. The reason seems simple. Spontaneous, casual, and personal relationships, such as those found in primary groups, are inefficient when it .....

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