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You might remember the heroic role that newly-invented radar played in the Second World War. People hailed it then as "Our Miracle Ally". But even in its earliest years, as it was helping win the war, radar proved to be more than an expert enemy locator. Radar technicians, doodling away in their idle moments, found that they could focus a radar beam on a marshmallow and toast it. They also popped popcorn with it. Such was the beginning of microwave cooking. The very same energy that warned the British of the German Luftwaffe invasion and that policemen employ to pinch speeding motorists, is what many of us now have ....

Word count: 1380 - Page count: 6

Are you sitting there thinking how much it sucks to have to write a term paper for class? If you are writing an argumentative paper, you first you will have to come up with a topic for your thesis statement and then objections and points supporting your position. Are you wishing you could find some help to come up with some good ideas your paper? Then you are in luck! PaperSucks.com is here. We have over 40,000 pre-written papers in our online library to help you with your academic paper. Yes, you read that right. Our site has 40,000 papers and growing. Best of all, our prices won't suck your wallet dry. So become a member today and get immediate access to our site and say goodbye to the old ways to writing term papers.

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