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Human Flaws Of Orgon In Tartuffee
Number of words: 763 - Number of pages: 3

.... you; an empty purse / Is all you'll get from me - except my curse!" (III, vii , 68). Madame Pernelle shows the family trait that she shares with her son when she states: "He's a fine man, and should be listened to."(I, i ,44), while speaking of Tartuffe. Although they share this trait throughout the play, Orgon's eyes are finally opened at the end of the play while his mother is still held by the farce of Tartuffe. Although Tartuffe is portrayed as the main character of the play, Orgon is the character who should really be paid attention to the most. As su .....

"King Lear" And Parallel Plot - Crucial For The Play?
Number of words: 786 - Number of pages: 3

.... not only in novels but also in everyday life. Lear starts the entire dilemma of hate and destruction by his foolish desire for flattery. He divides his kingdom between two of his daughters and the never ending crave for power and wealth begins. As we can assume from the play's title, Lear and his daughters are part of the main plot. The plot of Gloucester and his sons, is considered parallel. Gloucester is portrayed also with family problems. He experiences trouble with his two sons, Edgar and Edmund. This parallel plot that ties in with the main one sometim .....

"The Other" And "Taxi Driver": A Comparison
Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3

.... in the movie. Travis, in order to eliminate them, becomes a criminal just like them. Therefore in "Taxi Driver",we see two good examples of "The Other". In "Taxi Driver" we see that Travis Bickle still has an identity forming problem, or I might say that he has unconsciously formed an identity during his childhood, but he's trying to find it. It was his curiosity about his identity that was giving him problems to sleep. Basically, his identity should be formed based on his father's identity, but nothing is obvious. Whoever his (Travis) model was, planted .....

Romeo And Juliet: The Theme Of Death
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2

.... to my love! [Drinks.] O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die. [Falls.]" (Act 5, scene 3, line 122). These quote show how Romeo loves Juliet. So much he will die to be with her." The next quotes show how Juliet's feelings are mutual to Romeo's. After Juliet wakes up from her death like coma she sees Romeo's dead corpse and notices that he had never got the message from the friar. "O churl! Drunk all, and left no friendly drop to help me after? I will kiss his lips. Haply some poison yet doth hang on them. To make me die with .....

The Downfall Of Macbeth
Number of words: 1006 - Number of pages: 4

.... Macbeth and greed to cloud his judgement. In referring to the idea of the murder of Duncan, Macbeth first states,"We will proceed no further in this business"(I, vii, 32). Yet, after speaking with Lady Macbeth he recants and proclaims, "I am settled, and bend up /Each corporal agent to this terrible feat"(I, vii, 79-80). He allows himself to be swayed by the woman he loves. Lady Macbeth gave him an ultimatum and provoked him by saying: When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man..... .....

The Deception In King Lear
Number of words: 1472 - Number of pages: 6

.... affection for her father "comes too short." (I.i.71) By uttering these words, Regan shows that her love is even less true than that of her sister's. She goes even farther to say: "...that I profess Myself an enemy to all other joys Which the most precious square of sense possesses, And find I am alone felicitate In your dear highness' love." I.i.71-75 This goes to show that she is more greedy than her sister and her words are also falser. She wants more than her siste .....

Difference Between Plutarch's And Shakespeare's Caesar
Number of words: 369 - Number of pages: 2

.... writings show the long string of coincidences almost as Fate were deeming it necessary for him to die, and that he had no control over it. "...the scene of the final struggle and of the assassination made it perfectly clear that some heavenly power was involved...directing that it" (the assassination) "should take place just here. For here stood a statue of Pompey..." This stating that Caesar's murder was the deceased Pompey's revenge for he was killed by Caesar. Whereas, Shakespeare does not say anything about the statue and shows the same coincidences in the pl .....

Attitude Changes In Macbeth
Number of words: 1208 - Number of pages: 5

.... ambition" is starting to take over, but partly because of his wife's persuasion. He agrees that they must "catch the nearest way", and kill Duncan that night. On the other hand, as the time for murder comes nearer, he begins giving himself reasons not to murder Duncan, this is because as lady Macbeth said "he is to full of the milk of human kindness" and his elaborate imagination causes him to see the crime in all its horror before the deed is actually done. Lady Macbeth uses her cunning rhetoric and persuasive techniques to convince Macbeth that this is, bey .....

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