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Term Papers on Biographies

Edgar Allan Poe
Number of words: 1567 - Number of pages: 6

.... of Virginia. It was also at this time that he was engaged to marry his childhood sweetheart, Sarah Elmira Royster. He was a good student, but only stayed for a year. He did not have enough money to make ends meet, so he ran up extremely large gambling debts to trying make more money. Then he could not afford to go to school anymore. John Allan refused to pay off Poe's debts, and broke off his engagement to Sarah Elmira Royster. Since Poe had no other means of support, he enlisted in the army. By this time however, he had written and printed his first .....

Rosa Parks
Number of words: 759 - Number of pages: 3

.... old, she had taken to protesting segregation in her own quiet way. She did this by resiliently walking up the stairs of a building rather than riding the elevator marked for "blacks only." She also often avoided many segregated activities such as traveling by bus, preferring to walk home from work when she was not too tired to do so. Busses were a constant irritation to all black passengers. Front rows of busses were reserved for whites only and off limits to blacks even if the bus was very crowed and there weren't enough whites to fill them. The always-crow .....

Jim Bridger
Number of words: 301 - Number of pages: 2

.... Bridger's vast knowledge of many trails gave him a job as a scout and he helped the army when fighting the Indians. Bridger strongly opposed the Mormons and guided United State troops into Utah during a conflict that has been called the Utah war or Mormon war. In 1865 he guided the powder river expedition. And also became the first person to measure the bozeman trail (600 miles) from fort laramie, Wyoming to Virginia City, Montana. James Bridger was just about the most famous explorer of the American West. In honor of his travels, The Bridger Mountains, Br .....

Number of words: 3921 - Number of pages: 15

.... assumptions of can be noticed when one inspects his view of the ideal governing body, which he expresses through Scipio (in the commonwealth). Although presents very convincing arguments for a Composite government, clearly his view is possibly only due towards his belief in the roman structure of government.1 was limited to roman borders of experience, and this point was best illustrated by his disagreement with Aristotle's writings on the decay of states. was unable to think on the level of Aristotle's logic. He quite simply used roman history as a mapping o .....

Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 748 - Number of pages: 3

.... presentism of our time. Consider, for example, how different the question appears when inverted and framed in more historical terms: How did a man who was born into a slave holding society, whose family and admired friends owned slaves, who inherited a fortune that was dependent on slaves and slave labor, decide at an early age that slavery was morally wrong and forcefully declare that it ought to be abolished?" (Wilson 66). Wilson also argues that Jefferson knew that his slaves would be better off working for him than freed in a world where they would be trea .....

Number of words: 1890 - Number of pages: 7

.... meet with her. At this point, Julius Caesar of Rome arrived in pursuit of an enemy, who was seeking help from Ptolemy. had to roll herself up in a rug so that she wouldn’t get killed while entering Egypt. If she hadn’t hidden herself she would have been killed. When she unrolled herself in front of Caesar he fell in love with her right away.Caesar had to choose which of the Egyptian rulers to help keep the throne. Of course he chose . He then became ’s lover. In 47 BC Ptolemy Xlll drowned in the Nile while trying to escape, and Caesar then restored to her thr .....

Thomas Edison
Number of words: 2330 - Number of pages: 9

.... months of school his teacher called him "addled," which means confused or mixed up. Thomas stormed home.(minot, pg1) The next day, Nancy Edison brought Thomas back to school to talk to Reverend Engle. He told her that Thomas couldn’t learn. His mother became so angry at the strict Reverend that she decided to home-school him.(minot 1) After a while his mother, a former teacher herself, recognized his un usual abilities to reason. She quickly got him interested in History and Classic books. Thomas however was strangely attracted to the subject of science. By th .....

Martin Luther King Jr.
Number of words: 1606 - Number of pages: 6

.... and cafe's and hotels where whites ate and slept. On sidewalks, they were expected to step aside for whites, and if a black man ever entered a white mans home, it had to be through the back door. Even though Martin did not like these rules, he could not change it as a child. Even with them though, he still managed to live a normal life. He loved church and reading the bible. He decided to become a minister very early in his life. That dream was not far away for him. Because he liked to read so much, it made him very smart in school and he skipped two grades. As K .....

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