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Term Papers on Biographies

Frederick Douglass' Dream For Equality
Number of words: 1170 - Number of pages: 5

.... the North of responsibility for the sin of slavery. It would have also ended the North's obligation to enforce the fugitive slave law, and encourage a greater exodus of fugitive slaves from the South. (161,162 Perry) Douglass did not support this idea because it would not result in the complete abolition of slavery. Blacks deserved just as much freedom as whites. He believed that the South had committed treason, and the Union must rebel by force if necessary. Astonished by Garrison's thoughts, Douglass realized that abolition was truly a war between .....

Herman Melville
Number of words: 611 - Number of pages: 3

.... The book was a great success, for Melville had visited a part of the world almost unknown to Americans, and his descriptions of his bizarre experiences suited the taste of a romantic age. As he wrote Melville became conscious of deeper powers. In 1849 he began a systematic study of Shakespeare, pondering the bard's intuitive grasp of human nature. Like Hawthorne, Melville could not accept the prevailing optimism of his generation. Unlike his friend, he admired Emerson, seconding the Emersonian demand that Americans reject European ties and develop their own .....

Amiri Baraka
Number of words: 281 - Number of pages: 2

.... University. Baraka served in the military for three years before settling in Greenwich Village in New York, at the heart of the Beat scene. Baraka began writing seriously and with first wife, Hettie Cohen, founded the influential Beat literary journal, Yugen. Baraka then grew in notority when he won the Obie, awarded by the Village Voice newspaper, an off-Broadway award, for his play, Dutchman. With his new found reputation, Baraka opened the Black Arts Repertory School in 1964. The institution became one of the most influential theatre/schools within the BAM and brought music, art, poetry and drama t .....

Number of words: 475 - Number of pages: 2

.... of Canterbury he vows to fulfill all religious actions that need to be taken. He devotes his life to religion. He wants to do the right things for the church and the kingdom, but Henry II does not like the fact that becomes a militant defender of the church against royal encroachment and a champion of the papal ideology of ecclesiastical supremacy over the lay world. The disagreement of each other's ideas triggers the collapse of their friendship. The obliteration of and Henry's friendship happened in many ways. When their ideas clash, they realize how .....

Thomas P. O'Neill
Number of words: 1788 - Number of pages: 7

.... asked him a favor, he would do it. O'Neill served fifty years in public life and retired with only fifteen thousand dollars to his name. He devoted his life and his money to the people of Boston. Tip came of age in the Great Depression, arrived in congress from Massachusetts in 1952 and "came to power amid the plenty of the '60s and '70s." (Woodlief 4) He was a rampant liberal who "would usually vote yes on any bill that helped people (he once voted to put money into an appropriations bill to study knock knees)." (Gelzinas 6) When Reagan came into off .....

Winning For Zorich
Number of words: 687 - Number of pages: 3

.... his hand-me-down clothes were clean. chris's stuttering problem tortured him in school. In class one day he had to read an essay he wrote in front of the class. When he started to stutter he heard the kids starting to laugh he stopped half way through and sat down at his seat with anger inside him. When he got home that night he told his mom what happened and she helped him with the problem. At the end of the school year he wanted to read his essay to the class. When he got in front of the class he read through the poem and mumbled just a bit. When .....

Malcolm Little
Number of words: 1037 - Number of pages: 4

.... of becoming something great. It was soon lost when his teacher asked Malcolm what he wanted to be. His reply was a lawyer. The teacher informed Malcolm that he was a black boy and needed to be reasonable about his career choices. At the age of fourteen he moved to Boston to live with his sister, Ella. He was impressed by the blacks on the street, the clothes they wore, how proud they were, and the city of Boston it self. He met a man named Shorty who helped him learn the ropes of the street life and to get a new image. Shorty also got Malcolm a shoe shining .....

Isaac Newton
Number of words: 679 - Number of pages: 3

.... nature as a complicated machine. Almost immediately, still under the age of 25, he made fundamental discoveries that were instrumental in his career science. The Fluxional Method, Newton's first achievement was in mathematics. He generalized the methods that were being used to draw tangents to curves and to calculate the area swept by curves. He recognized that the two procedures were inverse operations. By joining them in what he called the fluxional method, Newton developed in 1666 a kind of mathematics that is known as calculus. Calculus was a new and powerfu .....

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