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Term Papers on Biographies

Karl Marx
Number of words: 1172 - Number of pages: 5

.... Marx abandon the idea of an academic career, but his dad made him transfer to the University of Berlin. The transfer was do to Marx earlier possession of alcohol and imprisonment for drunkenness. At Berlin Marx interests changed from law to philosophy. "Degeneration in a learned dressing gown with uncombed hair had replaced degeneration with a beer glass." (1 p2) Marx father obviously disapproved greatly. Marx attached to the philosophy of G.W.F Hegel. He referred to the Phenomenology of mind as the true birthplace and secret to his philosophy. Marx develop .....

The Beliefs Of Martin Luther King Jr.
Number of words: 4992 - Number of pages: 19

.... justice for all humans. King is remembered for his humanity, leadership and his love of his fellow man regardless of skin color. This presence of strong moral values developed King’s character which enabled him to become one of the most influential leaders of our time. Integrity is a central value in a leader’s character and it is through integrity that King had vision of the truth. The truth that one day this nation would live up to the creed, “all men are created equal”. No man contributed more to the great progress of blacks during the 1950’s and 1960’s th .....

Joshua Larwence Chamberlin
Number of words: 2753 - Number of pages: 11

.... forming different sections during the early 1800s. In the Northeast big cities and industry thrived, and the South consisted of large farms. These different sections had different views. Slavery was the biggest issue that the north and south disagreed on. People in the south said that they needed slaves for help with harvesting crops. But people in the north wanted slavery to be abolished. I was born September 8, 1828, in Brewer, Maine. Maine is the northern most state on the Atlantic coast of the continental United States. I grew up on a 100-acre farm, the old .....

Biography Of Robert E. Lee
Number of words: 2078 - Number of pages: 8

.... the age of 21. Lee served for seventeen months at Fort Pulaski on Cockspur Island, Georgia. In 1831, the army transferred him to Fort Monroe, Virginia, as assistant engineer. While he was stationed there, he married Mary Anna Randolph Custis who was Martha Washington's great-granddaughter. They lived in her family home in Arlington on a hill overlooking Washington D.C. They had seven children which were three sons and four daughters. Lee served as an assistant in the chief engineer's office in Washington from 1834 to 1837, but then he spent the summ .....

Stonewall Jackson
Number of words: 520 - Number of pages: 2

.... the Mexican war was over he went to Florida to fight the Seminole Indians. Jackson left the army in 1850 and became a math professor at Virginia Military Institute where he taught for ten years. He was not a very good teacher of math. Many students mocked him and made fun of how religious he was. In 1853, he married Elinor Junkin, who died a year later. In 1857, he married Mary Anna Morrison. Jackson joined the Confederacy and soon made his reputation as at the First Battle of Bull Run, also called Manassas. When his men were retreating he stood still while .....

Number of words: 568 - Number of pages: 3

.... secludes from society. Even his window, usually a form of escape, results in being trapped behind another wall, thus reinforcing his total isolation. The irony lies in the fact that the narrator, while trying to isolate , becomes affected by it, so much so that he appears almost human. Instead of dismissing him on the spot for refusing to copy, proofread or leave the premises, he tries to find other employment for him, and even considers inviting him to live in his residence as his guest. The narrator develops before our eyes into a caring person, very di .....

Ted Bundy
Number of words: 2045 - Number of pages: 8

.... Vermont in a home for unwed mothers. His 22-year-old mother Eleanor Louise Cowell felt forced by the norms of society to have her parents raise Ted as their own and she portrayed herself to be her son's older sister. As for Ted's natural father Lloyd Marshall, who was an Air Force veteran was unknown to him throughout his life. When Ted turned four, his mother, Louise took him with her and moved to Tacoma, Washington where she married Johnnie Bundy. felt nothing towards his stepfather, he was very bitter that he was forced to move across the continent .....

Flo Hyman
Number of words: 1568 - Number of pages: 6

.... have stood still and let the ball cone to her. Instead she pushed herself to go for the ball – and became the greatest American woman ever to play Volleyball”. (Encyclopedia of Women in Sports 1996). Hyman’s dedication to sports and to the fight for equal opportunities for women in remembered by and honored with the Memorial Award, given annually by the Women’s Sports Foundation to female athletes who capture Hyman’s “dignity, spirit, and commitment to excellence”. (Sports Illustrated 1986) Hyman was known for a lot of things. People mostly remember her for .....

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