Term Papers on Book Reports
To Kill A Mockingbird: Character Analysis Of Jem
Number of words: 445 - Number of pages: 2.... Atticus. But after the court convicts Tom Robinson of rape when
Atticus had clearly proven that Tom could not have done it Jem sees his
first real glance of corruption in the world. It upsets him as well as
making him see and believe in evils in the world, such as racism. His
beliefs in why Boo Radley stayed in the house all the time changed too.
When he was young he thought Boo was just crazy and that's why he stayed in
the house. But he comes to believe that Boo stays in the house because he
doesn't want to come out, because he doesn't like the world ou .....
The Cherry Orchard
Number of words: 2011 - Number of pages: 8.... confusion is also seen as another tragic flaw of the characters contributing to the downfall of the estate and its orchard. Another theme Chekhov portrays is the effect of choice and free will. In some surcumstances this is the ultimate form of tragedy, depending on the outcome. With this, Chekhov succeeds in confusing tragedy and comedy in his final play .
Chekhov’s characters in contribute greatly to the comedy. The action takes place on a Russian estate belonging to Mrs. Ranevsky. There is a debate over finances and a wealthy businessman named Lopak .....
Things Fall Apart
Number of words: 1711 - Number of pages: 7.... When the missionaries first come to the village, the people, who are still secure in their own religion, are confident that the tribal village will destroy them. When this does not happen, the villagers become convinced that the new religion has some sort of magical power, and this weakens their confidence in their own culture.
Once again, racism pervades the novel, with the intrusion of the missionaries into the lives of the villagers. The weakening ties in the village are reflected in the story of Okonkwo and his family. Nwoye's conversion to the whi .....
Old Man And The Sea: Themes Of Santiago Against Nature, Figures Of Christ And Relationships Between Characters
Number of words: 1475 - Number of pages: 6.... tells of a cold and harsh sea, that is, one that has
value and mystery as well as death and danger. It has commercial value as
well as the population of life in it. It is dark and treacherous though,
and every day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal
pool with life called `Cannery Road'.
This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It
mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other
characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of
biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he w .....
Canterbury Tales (reeve Charac
Number of words: 706 - Number of pages: 3.... occupation. A reeve by definition is a minor
official or superintendent on an estate, generally an intermediary between a
lord and his serfs. His job included being responsible and accountable for
all his master’s accounts and animals, as shown in this excerpt from The
Canterbury Tales:
“His swin, his hors, his stoor, and his pultrye
was hoolly in the Reeves governinge,
and by his covenant yaf the reckeninge,
sin that his lord was twenty-yeer of age (600-603).”
This excerpt shows the Reeve controlling what happens with his master’s
prop .....
Summary Of The Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 658 - Number of pages: 3.... the family to split up. The family stops at a rest area to sleep, and after the car is fixed, Al, Tom, and Casy join them. During this time, a man who’s already been to California and is on his way back explains that there are thousands of starving people but no work. Pa and Tom dismiss what he says and decide to continue.
When the family finally reaches California, they stop near a stream before going across the desert. The Joad men go in to bathe and are soon joined by two other men. One man says they are leaving California because there aren’t enough jobs an .....
Lord Of The Flies Disintegrati
Number of words: 351 - Number of pages: 2.... Jack’s obsession grows stronger with every kill, influencing the boys’ number one priority as the hunt. Ralph’s dictatorship is progressively over ruled, allowing the blindness of the boys on what’s really happening- the dominance of evil within themselves, to increase. Golding shows that it doesn’t require much to trigger the beast- the common evil within man.
The boys considered most events as games, like the hunt, kill, chant, and dance, whereas in reality these were all key elements to the disintegration of their established s .....
"The Ministers Black Veil" And "The Scarlet Letter": Judgmentalality
Number of words: 574 - Number of pages: 3.... were. The ministers own fiancee left him
because no one knew anything about the veil he wore. Again in The Scarlet
Letter, I can think of two more major examples where an object was used
as a sign or omen. The first is of course the letter, it meant evil,
shame, and sin to the townspeople. All it was, was a letter nothing more,
nothing less. The second object that people took as a prolific sign was
the weeds on a grave. They reasoned that the weeds were there because of
the sins of that person, and that the weeds grew because flowers could not.
People the .....