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Term Papers on English

A Passage To India - Charachte
Number of words: 1090 - Number of pages: 4

.... Raja in India. He feels that they can be conniving, malicious and deceptive. Dr. Aziz, along with his friends, meticulously discusses these details over dinner at Hammidulah's house. During this conversation Dr. Aziz states his estimation of how the British have become malicious stating, "I give any Englishman two years… And I give any English woman six months." They also conferred on the likelihood of the British accepting bribes and mistreating their positions. Dr. Aziz's views about the British were not unfounded; he and his friends had various un .....

The Dual Qualities Of Nature (
Number of words: 0 - Number of pages: 0

.... .....

Issues Of Sexual Morality And
Number of words: 970 - Number of pages: 4

.... behave, especially in public. There is no universal morality. What is viewed as normal and acceptable is legislated by a majority. Each system of rules and regulations that are established differs in each society. Those who follow the rules are rewarded with praise and approval; they become apart of the majority and, as a result, become part of the process of adding new rules and revising old ones. Those who don’t play by the rules, like Sula, are viewed as outcasts. In most societies, sex is an uncomfortable topic of conversation. It is difficult to .....

Number of words: 1189 - Number of pages: 5

.... was surprised to find out that an adult schoolmaster would do the exact same when given these quoits which consisted of gold and precious stones. realized that these children must have been those of a king and he said, " The king’s children in this country must have an excellent education, since they are taught to show such a contempt for gold and precious stones." (49). Another way in which we saw that they were very wealthy was the fact that the common pebbles of their highways were large gold pieces, houses were built of silver and gold, the an .....

Green Grass Running Water
Number of words: 1536 - Number of pages: 6

.... the "destruction aimed at . . . reservations," a topic integral to her life, and one from which a great deal of passion should be generated. However, her uninspiring and spiritless lesson causes "certain individuals" to "fall asleep," sit "virtually in each other's laps," and enter into a private "conversation." Indirectly her lecture touches upon an important religious celebration of the Native American culture, the Sun Dance. She depicts the Sun Dance, which celebrates the creation of earth and all of its components, as a trivial and meaningless component .....

The Great Gatsby 3
Number of words: 670 - Number of pages: 3

.... all sense of morality. Myrtle never finds a place in Tom’s higher social division, and what reveals her impertinence most is that she thought she would succeed in the first place, giving up all her morals for the wealthy. Undoubtedly, Tom and Daisy Buchanan exceedingly demonstrate the wealthy class’s lack of integrity. Their lives are filled with material comforts and luxuries and completely empty of true purpose. Daisy’s lament is especially indicative of this: “What’ll we do with ourselves this afternoon? And the day after that .....

On The Road
Number of words: 1674 - Number of pages: 7

.... for his pointless life so he begins a great American journey looking for everything and nothing, following in the footsteps of Dean and his friend Carlo Marx. Instead of making use of the money he has earned he takes to the road on foot and hitch hikes his way across America from New York to Denver, his ultimate goal. Upon arriving at his destination and reuniting with Dean he realizes Dean's madness, his inability to control his emotions, his vagueness, his incoherence can only imply one thing, Dean's inner genius. Dean and Carlo flee again off towards .....

To Kill A Mocking Bird
Number of words: 1053 - Number of pages: 4

.... clan was in the same class at school as Scout Finch the daughter of Atticus Finch. While in school, a fresh young new school teacher known as Miss Caroline did not know the reputations of the predecessors of these two children. In what looked like a good day for the rookie teacher quickly turned into complete disarray and a total adversity trip for the teacher. Walter Cunningham being raised in a very hard working environment was taught not to take what he could not pay back. The teacher obviously did not know about his background in the most minute way and em .....

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