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Term Papers on English

Lifetime Of Choices
Number of words: 324 - Number of pages: 2

.... summer. Teaching would give me more leisure time and more stable working hours than a lawyer would provide. Teaching would allow me to spend more time with my children, which is definitely a positive aspect to this job. Lawyers generally have a very unpredictable work schedule. They are often required to put in long hours of overtime on cases making it harder to raise a family. My mother wants me to be a lawyer. She wanted to be a lawyer, but her parents persuaded her to be a teacher. She has recently begun taking law classes and insists that “I would be a gre .....

A Man For All Seasons,by Rober
Number of words: 1049 - Number of pages: 4

.... Yes, I believe you would. You're a constant regret to me, Thomas. If you could just see facts flat on, without that moral squint; with just a little common sense, you could have been a statesman. (Bolt 10) More's non-committal response to Wolsey's question is also characteristic of his desire to be silent for the remainder of the play and, despite Wolsey's continuing plea that he should ignore his "own, private, conscience" (Bolt 12) for state reasons, More is unable to approve of the King's divorce. As More and King Henry t .....

Great Expectations 5
Number of words: 860 - Number of pages: 4

.... into perpetual mourning.The Satis House was a monument to her broken heart.It shutting the world out and herself from the world. Her only concession was now in her adoption of Estella. In adopting Estella, Miss Haversham has some hidden motives to turn the child into a haughty,heartless instrument of revenge against men.Estella is encouraged to practice her disdain on the garden boy Pip and to break his poor heart. Unfortunately,the only one being affected by this scheme is Miss Haversham herself.She has lost her generosity and has become withered inside em .....

Escape Theme In The Glass Mena
Number of words: 849 - Number of pages: 4

.... Laura's view is different from her mother and her brother. Her escape seems to be hiding inside the apartment, not out. The fire escape separates reality and the unknown. Across the street from the Wingfield apartment is the Paradise Dance Hall. Just the name of the place is a total anomaly in the story. Life with the Wingfields is as far from paradise as it could possibly be. Laura appears to find solace in playing the same records over and over again, day after day. Perhaps the music floating up to the apartment from the dance hall is supposed to be her escape .....

Essay About Odysseus, Adonis, And Thor
Number of words: 1504 - Number of pages: 6

.... shied from doing what was necessary to complete their quest. Both men were also very modest and were able to except help when needed, either form gods or from other mortals. Jason did not hesitate to ask for help from the princess Medea. Odysseus accepted help from a simple sheep herder in order to reclaim his home. Although these two heroes had similar adventures and shared similar qualities, they were very different. The first difference we notice between these two heroes is their lineage. Like most Greek heroes, Jason was a direct descendant of the gods .....

Hamlet - The Importance Of Laertes And Fortinbras In Hamlet
Number of words: 1291 - Number of pages: 5

.... Ophelia to be his wife, Laertes loves Ophelia as a sister. Hamlet is a scholar at Wittenberg, and Laertes at France. Both are admired for their swordsmenship. Both men loved and respected their fathers, and display deviousness when plotting to avenge their father's deaths. Hamlet's response to grief is a trait starkly contrasted by Laertes. Laertes response to the death of his father is immediate. He is publicly angry, and he leads the public riot occuring outside Castle Elsinore, which Polonius' death and quick burial served as a catalyst. He is suspici .....

Critical Analysis Of Soldiers
Number of words: 1584 - Number of pages: 6

.... is more dramatic because he has not only lived on his own, but has dealt with -- and been traumatized by -- life-and-death situations his parents could not possibly understand. Hemingway does not divulge why Krebs was the last person in his home town to return home from the war; according to the Kansas City Star, Hemingway himself "left Kansas City in the spring of 1918 and did not return for 10 years, [becoming] 'the first of 132 former Star employees to be wounded in World War I,' according to a Star article at the time of his death" (Kansas City Star, he .....

The Odyssey
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2

.... Also how Aeolus gives Odysseus a bag of winds that his men unleash that throw them off course. Although the gods and goddesses were powerful they were also benificial. Zeus was beneficial in the way that he helped Odysseus, “Then Zeus thundered/ overhead, one loud crack for a sign.”(p.478, 1032-1033), this sign told Odysseus to start attacking the suitors. The way Circe helps Odysseus in warning him of dangers to come, “Circe forsaw for us and shared with me,/ so let me tell her forcast: then we die/ with out eyes open.”(p.459, 528-530) She warned of the Si .....

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