Term Papers on English
Guilt, Duty, And Unrequited Love
Number of words: 2312 - Number of pages: 9.... uncomplicated marriage and then grew old and gray together without a single conflict. The viewers watched them go through many conflicts, some of which involved the classic love triangle. Such conflicts as the love triangle keep the story moving. Common elements of triangles in today’s soaps consist of lust, greed, jealousy, any of which are interchangeable with the conflicts resulting from situations involving lovers coming back from the dead or paternity uncertainties. Yet love triangles, whether in the soap opera or in the novel, are not all uniformly .....
Respect In Eveline And Teenage Wasteland
Number of words: 415 - Number of pages: 2.... began drinking at a young age because of these problems. He was moved to another school and his parents were still called to even more meetings with his teachers because he did not change his ways. Donny got sent to a tutor but got too much freedom and his grades dropped. In the end he got kicked out of school because he had some beer in his locker. Within a month of his expulsion he runs away from home never to return.
"Eveline" and "Teenage Wasteland" ended very similarly. Neither of the two main characters seemed to learn thing from their mistakes. Eveli .....
Creative Writing
Number of words: 2820 - Number of pages: 11.... things work out sometimes. I took this to be an omen that I would never get caught if I broke house arrest tonight. I need to tell you that Anna has never really showed any interest in short, chubby Martin, but I can’t break that news to him. I lie and tell him that we’re in, when what I mean is, I’m in. Really, Anna with her tall beanpole-like figure isn’t anything to get too excited about. Her shoulder length brown hair is always pulled back so tightly it looks as if her forehead is about to crack.
"So, how do you want to do it?" Martin .....
The Aeneid
Number of words: 490 - Number of pages: 2.... men and how irresistible they are to women by making Dido
forget about her duties just for Aeneas.
We can also see a lack of confidence by the people of Carthage. The people of
Carthage feel like they don’t have a leader and are being left to fend for themselves.
They feel Dido is not paying any attention to her city, only Aeneas. The effect of this is
that the reader feels that Dido should stop goofing around and pay attention to her city. It
makes the characters look down on the queen, and begin to loose faith in her. Virgil was
trying to rub it in even .....
Hamlets Friendships
Number of words: 1171 - Number of pages: 5.... the respect shown to Horatio, although he is a nobleman. Horatio establishes his bravery during the opening scene by questioning the ghost. His actions demand respect.
Rosencratz and Guildenstern are introduced to the audience during the second scene of the second act. Hamlet went to school with both Rosencratz and Guildenstern. The first encounter that Hamlet has with Rosencratz and Guildenstern is very significant. Hamlet greets the two by referring to them as his "excellent good friends" (II, ii, 245). Earlier in the play Hamlet greeted Horatio in a .....
Arms And The Man
Number of words: 759 - Number of pages: 3.... He hopes Nelson dependency upon him strengthens. Doing so would not only make himself feel superior but also satisfy his own dependency needs. He’s content with the thought once Nelson has had the opportunity in experiencing the city he will “be content to stay at home for the rest of his life” (251). His only comforting thoughts, as he lay to sleep before the day of the trip, were not of turning Nelson into a racist, but “thinking how the boy would at last find out that he was not as smart as he thought he was.”
Degradation towards anyone, including .....
The Color Purple
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... men only known as Mister, for she had lost her feelings. She feared them so much that she would always do whatever she was told without hesitation, because she was fearful of being beaten. The first evidence comes from the opening line of the novel, You better not never tell nobody but God… (P.11). That is why all her letters open with Dear God, because she fears what will happen to her if she does tell anyone. And it is because of these men, that she has very little courage or ambition, for they took the fight or will out of her.
One of the most important wo .....
To Kill A Mockingbird-racial P
Number of words: 739 - Number of pages: 3.... guilty. This strong lawyer takes up the case saying ".. If I didn't I couldn't even hold up my own head in town, I couldn't even represent the legislature,.. every lawyer gets at least one case that affects him personally. This one's mine,"(page 76) and still defends Tom no matter what the town was saying about him and his family. Atticus' sister, Aunt Alexandra, keeps telling him that he shouldn't take up the case because he is disgracing the family by defending a lowly Negro. He will by far receive the greatest amount of pressure because he is defendi .....