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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Schizophrenia: Explained And Treatments
Number of words: 2058 - Number of pages: 8

.... delusions, hallucinations, and thought disorder (Torrey 1). Delusions are irrational ideas, routinely absurd and outlandish. A patient may believe that he or she is possessed of great wealth, intellect, importance or power. Sometimes the patient may think he is George Washington or another great historical person (Chapman). Hallucinations are common, particularly auditory, as voices in the third person or commenting upon the patient's thoughts and actions (Arieti). Persons may also hear music or see nonexistent images (Sinclair). Schizophren .....

The Psychological Effects Of Using Steroids
Number of words: 1169 - Number of pages: 5

.... either orally or injected, these synthetic steroids fool the body into thinking that testosterone is being produced and therefore the body shuts down functions involving testosterone (Mishra 2). Given the right training stimulus and diet, these steroids enables the user to process protein into muscle fibers at astonishing rates, creating increased muscle size and strength with a drop in body fat (due to an increase in metabolic rate) . They are, in effect, the chemical essence of manliness, physical power and masculine aggression (Nichols 38). Synthetic stero .....

Gut Issues
Number of words: 526 - Number of pages: 2

.... course through the blood stream fueling muscles and nerves. Rather, when eaten they tumble intact through the stomach and small intestine and end up in the colon where billions of bacterial feed on them - in turn producing intestinal gas. No wonder, then, that dietary fibre has been unwelcome in many of history's nicer neighborhoods. Even 20th century doctors reasoned that since the bulky material provided not a single nutrient, it would only strain already troubled guts. Accordingly, they recommended low-fibre diets for patients suffering from hemorrhoi .....

Neural Networks
Number of words: 2975 - Number of pages: 11

.... classification (He95). Neural networks may be applied to translate images into keywords or even translate financial data into financial predictions (Wo96). Neural networks utilize a parallel processing structure that has large numbers of processors and many interconnections between them. These processors are much simpler than typical central processing units (He90). In a neural network, each processor is linked to many of its neighbors so that there are many more interconnections than processors. The power of the neural network lies in the tremendous numbe .....

Psychology: Dreams And Dreaming
Number of words: 3028 - Number of pages: 12

.... as a dream with one meaning. If you feel stuck on one meaning or feel another person is pushing one meaning, it is time to reconsider your methods and approach. (Lemley p. 17). Clinical dream work is done within the context of psychotherapy and clinical and sleep research have different approaches and goals than peer dream work. (Koch-Sheras p.16). A dream is a period of spontaneous brain activity usually lasting from about 5-40 minutes that occurs during sleep several times a night usually about 90 minute intervals (Barret p.8). There are also certain t .....

Alzheimer's Disease
Number of words: 819 - Number of pages: 3

.... Tangles are also found in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. They are found within the cell bodies of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, and take on the structure of a paired helix. Other diseases that have "paired helixes" include Parkinson's disease, Down's Syndrome, and Dementia Pugilistica. Scientists are not sure how the paired helixes are related in these very different diseases. Neuritic Plaques are patches of clumped material lying outside the bodies of nerve cells in the brain. They are mainly found in the cerebral cortex, but have also bee .....

The Effects Of Altitude On Human Physiology
Number of words: 3674 - Number of pages: 14

.... in the external environment at higher elevations and then observe the important changes that occur in the internal environment of the body in response. HIGH ALTITUDE In discussing altitude change and its effect on the body mountaineers generally define altitude according to the scale of high (8,000 - 12,000 feet), very high (12,000 - 18,000 feet), and extremely high (18,000+ feet), (Hubble, 1995). A common misperception of the change in external environment with increased altitude is that there is decreased oxygen. This is not correct as the concentr .....

Number of words: 5125 - Number of pages: 19

.... at the Pasteur Institute in Paris isolated what appeared to be a new human retrovirus—a special type of virus that reproduces differently from other viruses—from the lymph node of a man at risk for AIDS. Nearly simultaneously, scientists working in the laboratory of American research scientist Robert Gallo at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, and a group headed by American virologist Jay Levy at the University of California at San Francisco isolated a retrovirus from people with AIDS and individuals having contact with people with AIDS. All .....

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