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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Number of words: 1103 - Number of pages: 5

.... this is the case, I believe that a child should not be brought into the world because it will then have an unhealthy life style. If a woman becomes pregnant from rape or incest then it should be okay for her to have an . For whatever reason, if a woman decides to have an , then it should be her choice, no one else's. is safe. In fact, it has been proven that having an is twice as safe as having your tonsils taken out, and eleven times safer than giving birth. Just because a woman decides to have an , that does not make her a "bad" person. It simply states that .....

Number of words: 602 - Number of pages: 3

.... then in a huge recession in the 1980s 11,000,000 people were laid off (9.7% of all jobs). By the beginning of the 1990s, over one million people were on waiting lists for homes. people can be categorized into four basic categories, families, lone, transient, or bums. A person in a family is usually a man and wife with one to many children living on the streets. A lone person is that who has no connection to anybody and never travels, but stays in the same general area. Transients is a person who never settles down for more than a few weeks, but keeps movi .....

Atomic Bomb
Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3

.... Also, Allied Forces would not only have to fight off the Japanese military, but they would have to defend themselves against the civilians of Japan as well. It was also a fact that the Japanese government had been equipping the commoners with any kind of weapon they could get their hands on. It is true that this could mean a Japanese citizen could have anything from a gun to a spear, but many unsuspecting soldiers might have fallen victim to a surprise spear attack! The number of deaths that would have occurred would have been much greater, and an invasion .....

Diplomatic Immunity
Number of words: 1780 - Number of pages: 7

.... privilege produced little or no incidents. However, this unique position of freedom that diplomats, their family, and staff have been graced with has not been so ideal. Recently the occurrences of abuse for personal or national gain has grown out of proportion. What once protected the diplomat and his staff from parking tickets and some differing social laws, now grants them protection under the law to commit crimes such as drug trafficking, kidnapping, rape, and murder. Even though serious crimes are rare and punishable to various extents in most countries, do .....

The Censorship Of Art
Number of words: 2911 - Number of pages: 11

.... the world’s modern society has become desensitized and easily trainable. Therefore society has come to accept the ideals, morals, and values driven into the psyche by the dominant forces in the nation: the Government and the Church. By quieting the objective voice these two institutions stand in the lead and stay in control. One might assume that the blood-sucking politicians have nothing better to do than to look for things that offend any one major group of people (i.e. the church) to obtain votes. In this manner the government is becoming more and more contr .....

An Analysis Of Political Eliti
Number of words: 2870 - Number of pages: 11

.... political power, or perhaps they are just given token compensation. Hopefully, by the end of this essay, there will be a better understanding of who really has political power in Canada. Though this paper is an analysis of elitism, we must also dissect the concept of democracy. Needless to say, without democracy in a political system, elitism would not exist. Democracy was a concept developed by the Greeks and the Romans during the classical period. It comes from the Greek word "demos", which means "the people"; and "kratien", which means "to rule". In essence, .....

Serial Killers
Number of words: 4242 - Number of pages: 16

.... even know it. Psychopaths are everyday people with everyday lives, but they just have one problem, they have a need to kill. What does a serial killer do? Serial killers usually have reasons for killing, they just don't go out and kill anyone (the majority). A serial killer will plan out where, when, why, and how before they actually kill. Ted Bundy used to lure his victims with a phony cast on his leg. Others lured with the promise of sex or porno movies. When they kill they usually have their own style. The Son of Sam used a .44 Cal, Dahmer killed va .....

Same-sex Marriage
Number of words: 3964 - Number of pages: 15

.... is predetermined. Some now believe that homosexuality is genetically predetermined by a gene on the X chromosome. If this is the case, then gays cannot decide their sexual orientation, for it is predetermined. Hence, not allowing those who are genetically inclined to prefer the same sex to marry leaves homosexuals with three choices. The first is to remain celibate their entire lives so as not to "live in sin"; the second is to marry someone they do not truly love or find attractive simply for the marriage benefits; the third and final choice is to live t .....

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