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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Number of words: 2476 - Number of pages: 10

.... peace. After examining those topics, we will try to decide if there is any hope for the future; will recent events will lead us towards peace or further hostility and warfare. In 1991, immediately following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Chechen rebel leader Jokar Dudayev hopped on the bandwagon with other seceding republics, and ceased an opportunity to declare independence from Russia, or "Mother Moscow". "Most Soviet nationalities did not like the Russians, whom they saw as a colonial, or occupying power" (Roskin 284). Contrary to places like Estonia, A .....

Vengeful Equity
Number of words: 1951 - Number of pages: 8

.... circumstances surrounding an individuals' crime has been taken away from the presiding judge's discretion. Important factors are not allowed to enter in the decision process such as why the crime was committed and by who. While the number of women behind bars has risen as of late, the number of violent offenders in these prisons has actually fallen quite drastically. The proportion of women in state prisons for violent offences declined from 48.9 percent in 1979 to 32.2 percent in 1991 (Chensey-Lind 1997). That would leave the remainder of the near tripling of .....

North American Healthcare Syst
Number of words: 1660 - Number of pages: 7

.... with it. It is this struggle of defining what health care is that causes such anxiety among economists. The Canadian health care system is slowly crippling the economy, and reforms must be devised to preserve the pride of Canada; our health care system itself. The pluralistic health care scheme of the United States, as well, has serious socioeconomic implications, and American policy makers are looking toward the model of the Canadian system for answers. Both the United States and Canada must reform health care policy, but to what extent? Obviously these qu .....

The Death Penalty: Why We Should Have Capital Punishment?
Number of words: 2325 - Number of pages: 9

.... do have the death penalty have higher crime rates than those that don't, that a more severe punishment only inspires more severe crimes. I must point out that every state in the union is different. These differences include the populations, number of cities, and yes, the crime rates. Strongly urbanized states are more likely to have higher crime rates than states that are more rural, such as those that lack capital punishment. The states that have capital punishment have it because of their high crime rate, not the other way around. In the 1920’s and 30’s, de .....

Analysis Of Women In The Milit
Number of words: 999 - Number of pages: 4

.... women to enter the armed forces represented the ideal that everyone should have equal opportunities to pursue happiness. Within this silver lining there is the contention by some that in letting women serve, especially in a direct combat role, we are defeating the primary purpose of the military: to protect our mother country. This view could be considered to fall in unison with the ancient double standard that women are the weaker gender. But what is combat specifically? Combat is about being exhausted, hungry, and living in th .....

Pass The Weed
Number of words: 817 - Number of pages: 3

.... The drug has been unrightfully prohibited since the 1930's for its dangerous effects. However, earlier and more primitive cultures were able to safely explore marijuana's usage for both medicinal and hallucinogenic properties. The usage of marijuana has existed for thousands of years in many countries world wide and can be documented as far back as 2700 BC in ancient Chinese writings. In the earlier cultures, marijuana usage was accepted and its effects documented. However, the United States government overlooked all of the information and banned the drug. .....

Gun Control: Overview
Number of words: 2718 - Number of pages: 10

.... weapons has decreased almost 20% from 1994.(2) This ban was repealed by the House of Representatives. On march 22, 1996 another big legislation in the fight against guns was the Brady bill, which demands a 5 day waiting period for all handgun purchases. These legislation's are some what effective and in different ways. The only real way to eliminate most gun violence is to eliminate the availability of guns. Surely making guns illegal would do this but this raises a very important issue. If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns. Simply put, no matter .....

Marriage Relationships
Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2

.... anf family planning we had no disagreements. We felt that before having children we must first be able to establish ourselves financially. So once our respective careers were settled upon we could then plan when we would have children. However, until we did decide to have children we agreed that contraception would be used. The discussion we had on which topics which couples should agree upon was filled with lots of disagreements. We agreed that couples should agree on topics such as issues concerning the children, and major career decisions. We b .....

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