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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Immigration Should Be Restricted
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3

.... willing to work at further burden the citizen’s hope of finding a "good paying job". Business and industry owners do not care who they have working for them, as long as they hustle. So why, one may wonder would anyone hire an American worker at a higher rate, when an immigrant will do the same work for less pay? This increased competition for jobs is certainly related to the saturation of unemployed immigrants in the U.S. In addition to the economic problems that arise with immigration, there are also many social issues as well. Some of these issues includ .....

Number of words: 872 - Number of pages: 4

.... the same conservatives that only a few years earlier had denounced the idea of sexual harassment as 'feminist invention'. It is acts like this that are aiding in the 'moral annihilation' of politics. The overall impact of such politics is undermining the intelligence of the American populous by turning political campaigning into a childlike power struggle. Both the Democrats and Republicans have reverted to a state of guerrilla media warfare. Every time election year rolls around we begin to hear the usual complaints of how politics is morally corrupt. It typic .....

Euthanasia And The Law
Number of words: 1848 - Number of pages: 7

.... though euthanasia is not yet legal in Holland, it is legally tolerated. Doctors are rarely prosecuted and even more rarely convicted. If euthanasia were to be decriminalized in Canada certain restrictions would have to be put into place, to ensure that a patient's rights are not infringed upon. A living will should be made when the patient is of lucid mind. Also, a council should be selected and outlined in the living will. The council should be chosen by the patient, when the patient is of sound mind and is able to make decisions. The council might consi .....

AIDS Related Stigma
Number of words: 2874 - Number of pages: 11

.... society’s attitudes towards AIDS and PLWAs. As the number of people infected with HIV increases, social workers are and will be increasingly called upon to deal with and serve PWAs. Although not all social workers chose to work with PLWAs, the escalating incidence of HIV infection is creating a situation in which seropositive people are and will be showing up more often in almost all areas of social work practice. This paper aims to examine and the stigmatization process, hopefully providing insights into countering the effects of stigma and perhaps the .....

Legalization Of Drugs (for)
Number of words: 568 - Number of pages: 3

.... the people that have never tried drugs before for fear of getting caught by the law, will have no reason to be afraid anymore and they will become users. However, making drugs legal will reduce the great amounts of money spent on enforcement every year. Drug dealers and users are one step ahead of the enforcement process. If one drug lord is caught, another one will show up somewhere else. We cannot win. In 1987, 10 billion dollars were spent alone just on enforcing drug laws. Drugs accounted for about 40 percent of all felony indictments in the Ne .....

Landmark Supreme Court Decisions
Number of words: 1012 - Number of pages: 4

.... their 1st Amendment rights at school. This landmark Supreme Court case was known as Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District. From the case of Tinker v. Des Moines Ind. School Board obviously came some conflicting viewpoints about the armbands. The school board said that no one has the absolute right to freedom of expression, where the Tinkers said that only banning armbands and not other political symbols was unconstitutional. The school board said that the armbands were disruptive to the learning environment, where the Tinkers said they were no .....

Antigun Control
Number of words: 679 - Number of pages: 3

.... out my shotgun from my closet and begin to see what is gin on down stairs. As soon as those burglars saw me walking around with a gun, you better believe they would think twice about sticking around any longer. II. Statistics- A. 39% of felons aborted a crime due to the victim being armed B. 74% say they avoided dwellings all together if they felt they might be shot. One of the major arguments against the theory that gun control would save lives is that although two-thirds of all homicides are committed with firearms, firearm controls would have no effect on hom .....

Appreciation Of Art And Scienc
Number of words: 764 - Number of pages: 3

.... learn how to sing her notes on time. This is called rhythm. Rhythm in music involves a steady process of counting and playing or singing when appropriate. There are many "rests" involved where performers must wait and let other instrumentalists or singers perform their part. This organization is what makes up the harmony and beauty we hear today in music. An operatic singer must also learn pitch. This is the art of singing high or low. There is an Italian system for this involving many variations of volume and pitch and tone. Her music must be rhythmic and in h .....

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