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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Jury Nullification And Its Effects On Black America
Number of words: 3832 - Number of pages: 14

.... community is disproportionately affected by the American legal system. Controversy arises when the issue of possible causes of, and also solutions to, these variations are discussed. Although numerous articles and books have been published devising means by which to reduce variance within the system, the most recent, and probably most contentious, is that of Paul Butler, Associate Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School, and former Special Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Columbia. Butler's thesis, published in an articl .....

Methamphetamine: Built For Speed?
Number of words: 4543 - Number of pages: 17

.... more, sleeping less. The machines of this age have in a way enabled us to create a 24-hour lifestyle. We have pushed the limits of the modern world further -- ATMs, high-speed modems, smart bombs and bullet trains. However, the limitations of human existence, like sleep, may still provide the stumbling block for infinite realization. That is, without chemical aid. In many ways, capitalism fuels the idea. Our society is based upon the mass consumption of these substances. Cultural ideals, while seemingly benevolent as "Have a Coke and a smile" have sold the link .....

Number of words: 437 - Number of pages: 2

.... ones who were rich to begin with. In a capitalist society, as Marx and Engels explain in their Manifesto of the Communist Party, the wealthy continue to exploit the working class to benefit no one other than themselves. By forcing the working class to work at lower wages, the wealthy will benefit because their costs are minimized. However, while the wealthy continue to enjoy higher paychecks, the workers continue to watch their own paychecks diminish. Therefore, the gap between the rich and poor is only growing wider. Thus, we have class conflict. Karl Marx an .....

What Is The Federal Government's Single Greatest Responsibility To The Public?
Number of words: 381 - Number of pages: 2

.... so these people can earn a living. Another type of protection that the government must provide abundantly is aid to the smaller governments, such as state or city offices. I feel that this is most important in crime-ridden, overpopulated cities, such as New York or Los Angeles. These are the great tourist attractions in America, but they don't receive the recognition that they deserve from the government. Without government funds, these cities don't have enough money for upkeeping and allow their images to become tarnished. This will cause a domino effec .....

Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 1946 - Number of pages: 8

.... failed the first time he tried to get admission and in the next year, 1907 he tried again and was very sure of success. To his surprise he failed again. In fact the Dean of the academy was not very impressed with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot the rejection he received in the dean’s office that .....

Number of words: 929 - Number of pages: 4

.... conception. The chief opponent of is probably the Roman Catholic Church. Many physicians oppose s because it is their job and belief to save lives, not end them. Opponents to believe "if left to run its natural course, (pregnancy) would ultimately result in the birth of a human being" (Scharz). Another argument against is that laws allowing will increase irresponsible pregnancies. This will lead to disrespect for human life and over-use of . Opponents to believe life begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg. Ergo, destroying an embryo or fetus is mora .....

An Ethical And Practical Defense Of Affirmative Action
Number of words: 1719 - Number of pages: 7

.... by substantial inequalities and structural forces that impede a fair assessment of their capabilities. In this essay I will expose what I see as the shortcomings of the current ethical attacks on affirmative action (1), the main one being, that these attacks are devoid of proper historical context and shrouded in white male hegemony and privilege. Then, I will discuss the moral and ethical issues raised by continuing to function within a system that systematically disadvantages historically marginalized groups. With that as a backdrop, I will make a pos .....

Atomic Diplomacy
Number of words: 1776 - Number of pages: 7

.... without also telling the story of George Kennen. Kennen, the foremost expert of Soviet Affairs in early post-war America, is almost wholly responsible for the policy of containment. Nuclear weapons were part of an integrated system of containment and deterrence. Truman told Kennen in early 1947 that, "Our weapons of mass destruction are not fail-safe devices, but instead the fundamental bedrock of American security". They were never intended as first strike weapons and had no real tactical value. The bomb is purely strategic, and its value comes not from its de .....

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