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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Illegal Drugs
Number of words: 802 - Number of pages: 3

.... at the risk of getting arrested. They risk their freedom and their future all for drugs. Each year drug use is the cause of a large number of accidents at home in the office and on the road. Everybody pays the price of drug abuse: more cops and prisons more hospitols and treatment centers and many lives lost. But drug users hurt themselves more than anybody because they are supporting violent crimes in the drug world. Just by using drugs they become part of that drug world. They are already commiting acrime. But the relationship between drug use and crime o .....

Drink Up - Drunk Driving Should Be Legalized
Number of words: 360 - Number of pages: 2

.... Allowing people who have been drinking to drive would also improve the quality of life for those who choose not to drink. Currently people who have been drinking are legally required to use some form of transportation other than them operating a motor vehicle. This requires them to hang around where they are and get a ride with someone else or wait or some public transportation. With the legalization of driving while drunk the non- drinking population would not need to be bothered by drunk people that do not have rides. Finally, this would help stimulate the .....

Should Drugs Be Legalized?
Number of words: 683 - Number of pages: 3

.... 13 percent, but with new drugs on the market these numbers are up. One contraversial solution is the proposal of legalizing drugs. Although people feel that legalizing drugs would lessen crime, drugs should remain illegal in the U.S because there would be an increase of drug abuse and a rapid increase of diseases such as AIDS. Many believe that legalizing drugs would lessen crime. They point out that the legalization of drugs would deter future criminal acts. They also emphasize and contrast Prohib .....

Outlaws In The Frontier
Number of words: 544 - Number of pages: 2

.... West of criminals Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and the infamous Judge Roy Bean. The era of the American outlaw lasted about 100 years roughly from 1800 until 1900. There had been lawlessness during the colonial era. Frontiers have always attracted misfits, failures, and renegades who hope to profit by being beyond the reach of government. In the years just before the Revolutionary War, gangs of horse thieves in the back country of South Carolina were broken up by organized bands of farmers called Regulators. As frontier settlement expanded rapid .....

Capital Punishment And The Death Penalty
Number of words: 1352 - Number of pages: 5

.... be used for many crimes. (Bedau1) One example of the death penalty in the bible is "Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death." (Exodus 21:12). The bible also suggests stoning a woman if she unmarried sex and had "wrought folly on Israel by playing the harlot in her father's house" (Deuteronomy 22:21) England recognized seven major crimes that called for execution by the end of the 15th century. These crimes were: murder, theft (by deceitfully taking someone goods), burglary, rape, and arson. As time went by more and more crimes were believed t .....

Number of words: 873 - Number of pages: 4

.... individually. Medicaid provides free medical care to the poor people. Funds vary from state to state. In some situations, people who may be able to pay daily needs, but can't afford large medical bills may also be able to receive Medicaid. Some services paid for are bills such as doctor's visits and nursing home care. Most Medicaid funding comes from the federal government. The rest is supplied by the state. Each state runs their own Medicaid program. A.F.D.C. provides cash benefits to dependent children and the parents or the guardians taking care of them. Mos .....

Number of words: 906 - Number of pages: 4

.... guaranteed rights by the fact that we are human beings. Those rights include the right to pursue areas of scientific study, and also the right to live. They could have argued the fact that man was not meant to walk on the moon. If they did, and the program did not succeed, then we would not have the technology that we have today. organs can only yield new technologies that will be beneficial to society. Organ is something that would be extremely beneficial to society. Imagine the ability to "create" a liver for James Earl Ray. He was the man that was accused in .....

A Different Sort Of Segregatio
Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3

.... amount of responsibility these activities require. However the segregation between younger and older adults is unwarranted. Up until 1984 the legal drinking age was 18, however Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) spurred a campaign to raise the age limit to 21. They succeeded with the passage of the National Minimum Purchase Age Act in 1984. (Shamed, Legal Drinking) The law aimed to lower the number of drunk driving accidents, which it has done, but only by a small margin. However, what it has also done is reduce the rights of citizens between the ages of 18 and .....

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