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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Islamic Women
Number of words: 409 - Number of pages: 2

.... woman can clearly includes her own clauses and negotiate terms. It is rare however possible for a man to have more the one wife. However, when that happens the man is responsible for caring and supporting both of them. In order to marry another woman however, the man must have the permission of his first wife. Although Muslim women have had been married at extremely young age, this practice is related to the fact that father and other male relatives generally have chosen the grooms themselves. There are however some discrepancies. are not treated equally in th .....

Nuclear Weapon Disarmament
Number of words: 1717 - Number of pages: 7

.... first, and we can launch a nuclear attack if we have reason to believe that we are under a nuclear attack (Krieger, pdd60.html). Nuclear weapons remain at the core of our defense strategy. The United States is not the only culprit. Today, roughly 52,000 nuclear warheads exist (Kressley). The large number of nuclear weapons is a huge risk to the entire planet. Many argue that there cannot be a nuclear-free world. They claim that you cannot un-invent something that has become the cornerstone of our defense for over 50 years. “The elimination of nuclear .....

Brief Look At Euthanasia
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3

.... The ph s performed even though a patient's survival is highly unlikely; although patients in arrest are unconscious at the time of resuscitation, it can be a brutal procedure, and if the patient regains consciousness, its aftermath can involve considerable pain. In many such cases, the patient will die whether or not the treatments are performed. In some cases, however, the principle of mercy may also demand withholding treatment that could extend the patient's life if the treatment is itself painful or discomf The principle of mercy m .....

Serial Killers In The U.S
Number of words: 3988 - Number of pages: 15

.... to any future events of this type for that individual. While the mass killer may kill many people in one attack, when the attack is over, their mission is complete. The mass killer's victims may not be chosen for any other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Serial killers are a totally different and more dangerous threat to society. They may not kill many people at one time, but they may kill for many years without being detected. They are able to kill again and again without being caught because they are careful in their choices of v .....

Feminism And Gender Equality I
Number of words: 2153 - Number of pages: 8

.... the subtle message that society gave was that the educated woman was actually selfish and evil. I remember in particular the searing effect on me, who once intended to be a psychologist, of a story in McCall's in December 1949 called "A Weekend with Daddy." A little girl who lives a lonely life with her mother, divorced, an intellectual know-it-all psychologist, goes to the country to spend a weekend with her father and his new wife, who is wholesome, happy, and a good cook and gardener. And there is love and laughter and growing flowers and hot clams .....

The Evolution Of The First Amendment
Number of words: 970 - Number of pages: 4

.... in a dramatic act of civil disobedience, the Boston Tea Party.(Eldridge,15) The stage was set for the birth of the First Amendment, which formally recognized the natural and inalienable rights of Americans to think and speak freely. The first Amendments early years were not entirely auspicious. Although the early Americans enjoyed great freedom compared to citizens of other nations, even the Constitution's framer once in power, could resist the string temptation to circumvent the First Amendment's clear mandate. Before the 1930s, we had no legally protect .....

Handgun Control In The United States
Number of words: 1050 - Number of pages: 4

.... Junior High School whipped a snub-nosed .38 out of his jacket and held the assistant principal hostage for two hours. Police said the boy was distraught over his parents' recent separation. (Stanza 19) These were not isolated incidents. All across America, the number of kids using- and being harmed by-guns is rising at an alarming rate. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 27,000 youths between 12 and 15 were handgun victims in 1985, up from an average of 16,500 for each of the previous years (Stanza 19). The increase in gun use often .....

The Constituion
Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3

.... If the Bill of Rights is considered, more supporting ideas become evident. The First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom could have been influenced by the colonial tradition of relative religious freedom. This tradition was clear even in the early colonies, like Plymouth, which was formed by Puritan dissenters from England seeking religious freedom. Roger Williams, the proprietor of Rhode Island, probably made an even larger contribution to this tradition by advocating and allowing complete religious freedom. William Penn also contributed to thi .....

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