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Term Papers on Legal and Government

The Effects Of Race On Sentencing In Capital Punishment Cases
Number of words: 894 - Number of pages: 4

.... could be used constitutionally. Yet, even with these various controls, the system does not effectively eliminate racial bias. According to Professor Steven Goldstein of Florida State University, "There are so many discretionary stages: whether the prosecutor decides to seek the death penalty, whether the jury recommends it, whether the judge gives it" (As cited in Smolowe, 1991, 68). It is in these discretionary stages that racial biases can infect the system of dealing out death sentences. Smolowe (1991) shows this infection by giving examples of two cases .....

Legalization Of Marijuana
Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3

.... theory on the success that the Netherlands has had with reduction of crime due to the wide- spread legalization of marijuana. The differences between New Amsterdam and the United States is great due to a different structured economy and different cultures. This differences would prove to be the reason for their success and the United States failure. Legalization would also be very dangerous to the economy. The United States economy is a rather shaky one. The introduction of such a huge industry would be enough to crash our country into a depression. The ma .....

Teen Pregnancy
Number of words: 1080 - Number of pages: 4

.... or of pleasure to you. Abstaining from sexual activities is a great way to prevent , and the risk of getting a disease. In the past years less sex and more condoms use has meant lower rates of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. Abstinence is not a crime, as most teenagers and their peers seem to think. Most teens have sex because of their peers being sexually active. The percentage of sexually active males declined from 57.4 percent to 48.8 percent, essentially erasing the gender gap. In high school students alone the rate for being sexually .....

The Corruption Of Power
Number of words: 487 - Number of pages: 2

.... rights can be twisted and made to be wrong by powerful forces being targeted. For example, if the underdog wishes to attack the wrong doings of leaders, the underdog's accusations may be twisted undermine the real issue. The power to distort is often give the assistance of higher authority, the government perhaps, and often lead to victory, therefore losing rights that they have originally been given. Recent problems have occurred involving the Cincinnati Reds owner, Marge Schott. By exercising her freedom of speech and her opinion, she was forced to lose h .....

Ideals Of Law And Justice In Different Civilizations
Number of words: 1009 - Number of pages: 4

.... In ancient Rome, the majority of its lawmakers were wealthy nobles, and were mostly men. Because of this, the laws were written to benefit its majority. Since the patrons were of wealthy status, the laws were in some instances, implied and were not clearly defined. Even though these laws existed, their failure to describe themselves left some shortcomings in the way they were interpreted. Laws that pertained to people of lower than equal status, such as women, were even more vague and ambiguous. It was this ambiguity that made it difficult for women to adv .....

Gun Control: Simple Solution Or Ticket To Trouble
Number of words: 1587 - Number of pages: 6

.... being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Hofstadter, 1970) This brings us to the question: what is gun control and how far should our government go with these laws? You want to make the nation a safe place to live, but you also need to abide by the Constitution, which is the basis of our nation. As you can probably expect, there are many arguments on the pro side that are sound and quite relevant. Many of them are merely statistics that will help you see why many citizens dema .....

The Death Penalty Is Needed
Number of words: 988 - Number of pages: 4

.... 3, the year was 1986. A man named Esquel Banda had just raped, stabbed and strangled a 74 year old widow by the name of Merle Laird in her own house. Banda then sucked the blood from the woman's mouth. Does that describe a kind, gentle man, who is not a threat to society? A man who values life or a man that deserves life when he seems so eager to destroy it? I certainly wouldn't think so. Some people believe that the death penalty is wrong, what do you think? Is it OK for a man to commit heinous murders but not OK for our valued legal system, who's outcomes .....

The Alien And Sedition Acts
Number of words: 1730 - Number of pages: 7

.... would be natural - or implied - that the federal government would gain control over any territory gained through conquest of purchase, although the Constitution made no mention of territorial control. In essence, Hamilton wished to use the implied powers to build a strong and authoritative central government. In 1789, the Minister to France Thomas Jefferson, to Francis Hopkinson of Pennsylvania, protesting that "I am not of the party of the federalists. But I am much farther from that of the anitfederalists." However, the situation was so sensitive that he coul .....

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