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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Psychological Effects Of Long
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3

.... debilitating injuries. In the reaction to the injury itself, there is a primary reaction followed by a secondary reaction. With this ankle sprain, a common primary reaction is that of fear. This athlete can be afraid of many things ranging from them never getting better to never getting to play again to being afraid of the unknown. In order to conquer this fear the athletic trainer needs to help reassure the athlete about their injury. This can be done by presenting the truth about the injury and rehab process in a manner they can understand and gaining the .....

Cosmetic Testing On Animals
Number of words: 716 - Number of pages: 3

.... eyes of a group of albino rabbits. The animals are often immobilized in stocks from which only their heads protrude. They usually receive no anesthesia during the tests. After placing the substance into the rabbits eyes, lab technicians record the damage to the eye tissue at specific intervals over an average period of 72 hours. The tests sometimes last seven to eighteen days. Reactions to the substances include swollen eyelids, ulceration, bleeding, swollen irises massive deterioration, and blindness. During the tests, rabbits eyelids are usually held open wi .....

Free Will Vs. Determinism
Number of words: 2782 - Number of pages: 11

.... has a caused and has happened because of that cause. If the circumstances were repeated exactly the same, there could be no other outcome. For a determinist, life is nothing but cause and effect. In Williams dialogue, Daniel, who represents the deterministic ideology, gives one main argument. He states that there is an enormous number of events which science has found causes for, including events involving human behavior. This gives us good reason to believe all events are caused. If the lights in the building suddenly go out, there is a reason for .....

The World Without Cars
Number of words: 268 - Number of pages: 1

.... would affect transportation, the economy, health, cultural development and the environment. Transportation would greatly be affected if we did not have cars. Especially in America since automobiles are the number one source of transportation. Life of everyday Americans would be slowed down. Children getting to school and employees getting to work would be a much harder task. The economy would be hurt if we did not have cars. Manufacturers would have a harder time transporting their goods. Another way of moving goods from city to city would need to be found. Also, cultural development would be affe .....

The Legalization Of Marijuana
Number of words: 4470 - Number of pages: 17

.... marijuana offenses face penalties ranging from probation to life imprisonment, plus fines and forfeiture of property. In addition to criminal justice efforts, the federal government, state government, and local communities spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually on prevention programs such as Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE), in which local police officers visit schools to teach young people to refrain from trying marijuana and other drugs. However, public controversy has been growing over the two assumptions-high abuse potential and no legitimate .....

Cats As Pets
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3

.... like a dog. In the second place, cats are many times regarded as being “members” of the family. Unlike dogs, cats do not make any loud noises that can be disturbing to others. They really don’t meow very often either, unless they are hungry or want some attention. They are generally happy just to lead a quiet and content life. They don’t usually have “accidents” in the house either. ?They can be trained very quickly on how to use the litter box, and when they know where it is and why it is used, they will always seem to use it. Since cats do have claws, and h .....

Public Education Vs. Home Scho
Number of words: 959 - Number of pages: 4

.... Many believe disciplinary problems begin before a child’s introduction to public school. In Washington, D.C., the principal of one elementary school banned regular recess due to drugs and violence. The children played outside only within an enclosed eight-foot concrete barrier. At times, play was allowed on a small section of playground monitored by the police (Klicka, 51). In the last ten years, research shows that infants raised in daycare "are more prone to behavioral problems as young children than their home-reared cousins (Klicka, 124)." .....

Psychological Properties Of Ya
Number of words: 2211 - Number of pages: 9

.... arousal before, during, and after yawning. They predicted that signs of arousal would increase when the yawn started. A mixed-gender group of 30 college students participated in three 15-minute laboratory trials which measured skin conductance and heart rate, two physical correlates of arousal. In each trial, subjects pressed a button when they felt a yawn coming on, and equipment in a nearby room took readings from sensors attached to their fingertips. The first trial measured skin conductance, the second trial measured heart rate, and the third trial used a .....

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