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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Chinese Economy
Number of words: 974 - Number of pages: 4

.... has been the key to China's success: I believe that competition has been the key to China's success. When Mr. Deng opened the free market, it brought the first signs of the farmers becoming more rich since the 1950s. His political genius allowed the farmers to become rich. He also introduced the "open-door policy" which is proving to be very beneficial, as they follow in the footsteps of their strong rich neighbours. Mr. Perkins believed four conditions must be met for a market system to work well in reforming centrally planned economy. I .....

Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3

.... He was unable to reach the kingdom, so he threw the waves at the land. This eroded it everywhere except where Mother Earth put cliffs. Now I am going to tell you a summary of a myth about . The name of this story is . "In the days of Cronus and the Titans, the sea was ruled by Nereus." Nereus was the father of fifty sea nymphs. When came to take over the sea, Nereus gave him his daughter Amphitrite for his queen. Then Nereus retired and went into an underwater grotto. had a son with Amphitrite. His name was Triton. He had a fishtail instead of legs. .....

Courtship Violence
Number of words: 1045 - Number of pages: 4

.... serious injury. Some significant negative consequences are emotional harm, feelings of victimization, and fear of further violence (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 164). The most popular explanation for dating violence is that it is a learned behavior acquired in the family origin. Witnessing parents’ marital aggression or being the victim of harsh corporal punishment may greatly increase the chances that a child will grow up to use violence in a dating relationship (Simons 468). There is a substantial body of evidence suggesting that violence in the family is a .....

Building A Help Desk
Number of words: 2370 - Number of pages: 9

.... help desk correctly within the organization. From this foundation, I will be able to make all other decisions regarding help desk structure and activities that may be derived. I know that it is extremely important that I clearly define the purpose of the help desk at the outset with a mission statement. My mission statement will be a broad description of the goals of the help desk that will help to define expectations. With clearly defined goals, everyone within my organization will be more likely to be working toward the same end, and, with clearly defined expe .....

Engines 2
Number of words: 851 - Number of pages: 4

.... used air. It was a single cylindered engine that also was used as a boiler. There was a small amount of water placed in the bottom of the cylinder and it was heated until steam was formed. The pressure that was made from the steam made the piston rise fitting in the cylinder, and after it was raised the heat was removed from the bottom of the cylinder. As the cylinder cooled, the steam condensed and the air pressure on the top of the piston pushed the piston down. The main parts of an Otto-cycle engine and a diesel engine are the same. Their combustion ch .....

Standardization Of The English Language
Number of words: 1743 - Number of pages: 7

.... in place of Latin. The formal rules intended to keep the use of French in official capacities were not enough to combat the effects of the Black Death and the Hundred Years War between France and England, which both contributed greatly to the rise of English and fall of French. By the fourteenth century, English was again known by most people, although French was not forgotten, and the people who spoke French were generally bilingual. The  Statute of Pleading made it law that English and not French would be used in the courts. However, it needs to be emphasiz .....

Business A Ethical View
Number of words: 2315 - Number of pages: 9

.... a corporate perspective and then we must examine the macro issue of corporate responsibility in order toattempt to find a resolution for cases like these. The first mitigating factor involved in the National Semiconductor case is the uncertainty, on the part of the employees, on the duties that they were assigned. It is plausible that during the testing procedure, an employee couldnt distinguish which parts they were to test under government standards and commercial standards. In some cases they might have even been misinformed on the final consumers of the pr .....

Why Do Teenagers Have Pregancy
Number of words: 702 - Number of pages: 3

.... the other parent. The other parent, if healthy, is carrying the weight of the alcoholic partner's disease and the tasks required to make a house a home. At best she has her hands full; at worst she is as mentally incapacitated as the father. Consequently, the young girl grows up under-nurtured, under-valued and lonely. Similar to craving carrots when the body needs vitamin A, the young woman's mind will seek the means to fulfill the void left by the dysfunctional parent.! When the deprived young woman reaches puberty, she finds a seemingly endless well of .....

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