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Term Papers on Miscellaneous

Asian Economic Crisis
Number of words: 430 - Number of pages: 2

.... enough to accommodate the money losses. Cutbacks, thus needed to made; extra expenditures and areas of obscurity had to go. With this in mind, many businesses (mostly private) began cutting back in the employment line. Many workers were fired, or “let go,” as they put it, because the company couldn’t afford the extra disbursements. This may have been beneficial for the companies, but not its employees and their families. With my father, a Fire Specialist for the Guam Fire Bureau, and my mother, a financial advisor at a national bank, my .....

Number of words: 735 - Number of pages: 3

.... on an adventure. Then he placed a drop of water on the patient's forehead, and the patient dreamt he was in Italy, and sweating violently while drinking Orvieto wine. So this would be one theory to how come about. However, Freud pondered the question of "why do we have if there is no external stimuli present?" Thus, he concluded that if there is no external stimuli then the dreamer must receive stimulus from an internal force, such as our inner most desire, wishes, fears, and problems. Such emotions are called latent thought, as compared to external forces, .....

Its Never A Womans Fault
Number of words: 526 - Number of pages: 2

.... result of living her life this way, Emily was never able to form healthy relationships with men, other than her father. After her father’s death, Emily’s lovers repeatadly left her. Though she was a grown woman now, she was unable to handle the relationships that normal women could. In the end, her emotions and feeling were so mixed up and misinterpreted, she ended up killing the man, so as not to leave her like the rest, and ended up keeping his body and lying with him. Of course, unacceptable behavior of a normal grown woman, considering her upbring .....

Number of words: 786 - Number of pages: 3

.... about violence in television, movies, and video games. As well, it will properly inform people on the facts about violent crimes that are supposedly related to television, movies, and video games. When a violent crime is committed by a youth, the crime is often blamed on the television that the youth watched or the movies the youth saw or the video game the youth just played. Many people will start thinking that this is true, based on that it seems like a plausible explanation. People will start trying to censor violent images and possibly even ban the .....

College Stress
Number of words: 1421 - Number of pages: 6

.... in their academic performance.boy working very hard late at night and skipping meals to study. The yield of this consists of constant headaches and backaches, and getting really depressed because the student could never reach their goals of perfection. Dr. Hans Selye describes stress as a side effect produced by any situation to which you respond in any way. It is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. The demand may be pleasant or unpleasant, or damaging. The damaging type of stress is called distress. Within our body, when the a .....

Philosophy Statement
Number of words: 1236 - Number of pages: 5

.... A discussion of how deeper significances are a veiled governor of design, invites introspection on the ideology inherent in today's structures and places. Unique to our times are trends such as 'xeroxed' landscapes and chains where you can eat in an identical chair on opposites sides of the country. Uncommitted 'democratically functional' interior spaces seem to make the occupant feel not quite fully present yet not absent either. James Joyce's aesthetic criteria would designate the common commercial "strip" -- ugly heaps of lights and billboards -- as .....

The Reform Of Schools
Number of words: 538 - Number of pages: 2

.... thoroughness and strictness of the outcomes, there will be fewer problems in the school system. Moreover, to separate schools means to separate students. Since the new code of conduct produces equality, and since it sets forth equal status among individuals, then the students will have a standard that the entire province takes part in. Now, the schools are going from each one entailing their code of conduct. To treating all schools as equals. For example, if a student in Ontario skips out of class, and if the student receives a punishment (making up that cla .....

Virtue Based Ethical Systems
Number of words: 673 - Number of pages: 3

.... system that action-based ethical systems are modeled after is no longer appropriate. In the days of old, the notions of right and wrong where drawn from cultural views on God. In modern days, ethics has been detached itself from it’s theological roots and has lost it’s original appeal, thus calling for a better system to reject this model and guide it’s followers onto a better path. Critics also dislike how action-based ethical systems overemphasize autonomy and neglect the communal context of ethics. Pojman states, “It is in commun .....

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