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Term Papers on Science

Bioluminescence In Fungi
Number of words: 2045 - Number of pages: 8

.... reaction in which the oxidation of a compound called "Luciferin" and the reaction was catalyzed by an enzyme called "Luciferase". The light generated by this biochemical reaction has been utilized by scientists as a bioindicator for Tuberculosis as well as heavy metals. On going research involving bioluminescence is currently underway in the areas of evolution, ecology, histology, physiology, biochemistry, and biomedical applications. History of Bioluminescent Fungi The light of luminous wood was first noted in the early writings of Aristotle which oc .....

Inventions Benefited Society
Number of words: 463 - Number of pages: 2

.... These machines are enabling us to perform many different tasks in less time and making our lives easier. Computers in telecommunications have allowed us to do many things from the comfort of our homes that could never be done before; such as talking with distant friends and relatives, buying merchandise, doing research, and a steadily increasing number of other things. At nearly any time of day we can buy something with a credit card, or fill out a form with personal information such as a loan application, job application or insurance for .....

The Cause And Effects Of Acid Mine Drainage
Number of words: 1678 - Number of pages: 7

.... metals contained in geological materials with which it comes in contact. "ARD causes a devastating impact on the quality of the ground or surface water it discharges to. (Ellison & Hutchison)" ACID MINE DRAINAGE Within the mining process there are several sources that cause ARD. No matter what activities occur, ARD usually occurs when certain conditions are met. These conditions are the factors that limit or accelerate the release of ARD. The initial release of ARD can occur anywhere from a few months to many decades after the sulfide containing material .....

Number of words: 1136 - Number of pages: 5

.... of organisms, many of which are only distantly related. Carolus Linnaeus is probably the single most dominant figure in systematic classification. Born in 1707, he had a mind that was orderly to the extreme. People sent him plants from all over the world, and he would devise a way to relate them. At the age of thirty-two he was the author of fourteen botanical works. His two most famous were Genera Plantarum, developing an artificial sexual system, and Species Plantarum, a famous work where he named and classified every plant known to him, and for the .....

The Serious Problem Of Acid Rain
Number of words: 1892 - Number of pages: 7

.... the source. When the acids fall to the earth in any form it will have large impact on the growth or the preservation of certain wildlife. NO DEFENSE Areas like Ontario, Canada, mainly southern regions that are near the Great Lakes, have substances such as limestone or other known antacids that can neutralize acids entering the body of water thereby protecting it. However, large areas of Ontario that are near the Pre-Cambrian Shield, with quartzite or granite based geology and little top soil, do not posses enough buffering capacity to neutralize even small a .....

Acid Rain....and What Are We G
Number of words: 379 - Number of pages: 2

.... structures. Statues and monuments that are left unprotected can fall victim to the unpredjudiced destruction of acid rain. Acid Rain reacts to different types of soil and rocks in two ways. 1) Acid rain will dissolve alkaline rocks and soil, or will neutralize the alkalinity. 2) Acid rain will increase the acidicy of already acidic rocks and soil, such as granite, or the soil which results from corroded granite. Acidic chemicals, and alkaline chemicals react to each other by reducing the alkalinity or acidicy of each other. Which ever has the stro .....

Effects Of Smoking 2
Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2

.... hurt to quit. They know that there will be a sense of loss. They know that smoking is as much a part of their personality as being a happy person, or being a morning person, or liking to go to the movies. Smoking becomes a part of who and what you are, An addict. It amazes me the number of people who smoke cigarettes who would never smoke a "marijuana" cigarette. They say "Oh no, that’s drugs" or "I’m not a dope fiend". Sorry pal tobacco is a drug and if you're a smoker, you are also a drug addict. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you will be able to get well .....

Facts About Orthoptera
Number of words: 1184 - Number of pages: 5

.... in the U.S. especially in the northern states. They commonly enter the house in bags or boxes from grocery stores. They tend to cluster in warm moist places around hot water pipes. They stay hidden when they are not eating. Eat Crickets will eat holes in paper or in garments especially those soiled with persperation. They also eat young roots and seedlings, peanuts, garden crops, grain, clothing, and sometimes other insects and even each other. Grasshoppers are a different story. They eat crops and destroy millions of dollars a year in them. Cockroach .....

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