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Term Papers on Science

Army Ants
Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4

.... hunting raids made by ants are carried out by "armies" of thousands of ants and set out from the bivouac in various directions. They form two or three parties going out simultaneously in different directions for 100 yards or more. In the U.S. army we attack countries in different areas to weaken the force we are attacking. We send out thousands of troops in various directions and try to surround the source of the location being attacked. For instance, if there are several locations that needed to be attacked to weaken the enemy, like their weapon storage or air .....

Number of words: 1506 - Number of pages: 6

.... be called “negative .”2 In the late nineteenth century, a man named Francis Galton gave eugenic thought great emphasis.3 Yet it was not until Gregor Mendel’s theories on genetics were rediscovered by Charles Davenport in 1901 that the ideas of modern was given any credibility.4 Davenport conducted experiments that proved what Mendel had said years before in his laws of genetics. Davenport, however, took it another step. He extended Mendel’s laws to include characteristics such as pauperism, alcoholism, and the popular term of the day, “feeblemindedness. .....

Number of words: 493 - Number of pages: 2

.... in rocks and minerals. An aluminosilicate such as felspar (KAlSi3O8) is the main constituent of many rocks such as granite, which is quartz and mica cemented together with felspar. These rocks are gradually weathered and broken down by the action of carbon-dioxide from the air dissolved in rainwater forming ‘kaolin'. This is further broken down to form other substances, ultimately resulting in the formation of Aluminium deposits. Where and how Aluminium is mined? Aluminium is never found in it's pure state until it has been refined. Aluminium is made wh .....

Genetic Engineering
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3

.... in growing agricultural products directly in the laboratory using genetically engineered bacteria. Genetically engineered animals are being developed as living factories for the production of pharmaceuticals and as sources of organs for transplantation into humans in the United States and abroad. Fish are being genetically engineered to grow larger and at a faster rate. According to U.S. News and World Report, many pharmaceutical drugs, including insulin, are already genetically engineered in the laboratory. Many enzymes used in the food industry, including r .....

Plan And Purpose (Creation) Or Time And Chance (Evolution)?
Number of words: 16538 - Number of pages: 61

.... biased with?” 1. Why can you say that both Creation and Evolution are biased in their approach? You can say that both creation and evolution are biased in their approach because those that believe in creation (creationists) posses a strong, firm, uncompromising sense of their beliefs and doctrines, and those that believe in evolution (evolutionists) posses an incompressible view of their beliefs. Creationists firmly believe that their tentative assumptions and ideology on how the universe was formed and how life began is legitimate, exact, and accur .....

Surface Tension
Number of words: 617 - Number of pages: 3

.... as in the case of mercury, which forms an almost round ball when a small quantity is placed on a horizontal surface. The near-perfect spherical shape of a soap bubble, which is the result of the distribution of tension on the thin film of soap, is another example of this force; surface tension alone can support a needle placed horizontally on a water surface. Surface tension depends mainly upon the forces attraction between the particles within the given liquid and also upon the gas, solid, or liquid in contact with it. The molecules in a drop of water, f .....

Cloning 2
Number of words: 1510 - Number of pages: 6

.... to an audience that, for the most part, lack a high level of scientific knowledge. To make the information more understandable for the target audience, authors substitute in less complex vocabulary words, summarize difficult concepts, and often utilize attractive visual aids. Authors strive to communicate issues to audiences of varying levels of education. In order to accomplish this effectively, authors adapt their work in a format that expresses their concepts to audiences in pragmatic fashion. However, a disadvantage is that these adaptations can le .....

Nigeria Rainforest
Number of words: 240 - Number of pages: 1

.... things. Rainforests across the world are being destroyed everyday. These rainforests are being destroyed by human efforts which are centred around greed. Oil companines drilling for oil, logging companies, and fires are the leading causes in destroying the last Nigerian Rainforest. Rainforests cover only two percent of the entire earth’s surface.1 It is estimated that ninety-five percent of Nigeria’s rainforest has been destroyed. A Hong Kong company is logging out of Nigeria for the use of ply-wood, toothpicks, veneer, and chopsticks.2 People need to become more educated about th .....

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